😃Whoa😃 What This Is?
Hint: Electron Microscope Image
“Lord, how many are Your works! In wisdom You have made them all;
The earth is full of Your possessions.”
Psalm 104:24
“The grass withers, the flower fades,
But the Word of our God stands forever.”
Isaiah 40:8
Happy New Year Men!
I pray you have resolved to draw closer to our precious Savior in 2025! Let us clearly recognize that He lives in us and if we abide in Him, He will abide in us, enabling us to bear much fruit (John 15:5).
I hope you have the following at the top of your list for 2025:
- Daily Bible Reading
- Daily Prayer Time
- Bible Studies w/ Other Men
- One Timothy (disciple) and One Paul (mentor)
- Evangelistic Passion
- Accountability
- If any of these are missing, ask the Lord to prioritize your life according to His perfect will. With these practices in place, the “other” areas of your life will fall into place. That doesn’t mean life will be without trials, but remember that trials are valuable because they conform us to Christ.
As Paul reminds us in Philippians 1:29,
“For to you it has been granted for Christ’s sake, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer on His behalf.”
We have been given the privilege of suffering for Christ. Not only are we blessed when persecuted, but great is our reward in heaven (Matthew 5:10-12). For most of us living in the USA, this is a reality we have little concept of—but know that it is just around the corner.
You’re absolutely right! It’s a cross-section of a blade of grass—and no, it’s not photo-shopped! The ‘smiley faces’ you see are actually vascular bundles. The ‘big eyes’ represent the xylem, which transports water throughout the plant, while the ‘open mouth’ is the phloem, responsible for carrying sugar. The intricacy of just one blade of grass blows me away!
This is a significant departure from my usual focus on images of the universe, breathtaking sunrises and sunsets or amazing birds. But seeing God’s creation on a micro-level is equally mind-boggling. I’ve recently been following this guy’s YouTube channel, and if you want to be humbled by the incredible details of the microscopic world, I highly recommend subscribing to his videos. Here’s one of his recent works, from just 10 days ago (YouTube 18 Mins)
The above image is credited to Phil Gates of Durham University, located about 400 miles north of London.
In the (3) divine appointments below, I handed out the exact same tracts to each person. Here is what I gave them:
The Million Dollar Gospel of John
Steps To Peace With God
Are You a Good Person (the small tract fits inside Steps To Peace)
[and I always have plenty of Million Dollar Bills]
Wal-Mart Vision Center
I wanted to use my annual insurance benefit before the year ended, so I went in on 12/31 (nothing like waiting until the last minute 🤠). After we wrapped up the transaction and I paid, I knew I only had a moment because the place was swamped.
I said, “I have something for you,” and gave her a 20-second testimony. I kid you not—she was blown away and couldn’t thank me enough. She accepted everything with such gratitude, and here I was thinking I wouldn’t even get to first base!
Las Vegas Country Club – Part 1
I had to meet a guy there. While I was waiting, I started talking to the bartender (what it is with me and bartenders 🤠). Anyway, he had some downtime and after some friendly conversation, I asked him, “Dave, do you have any spiritual background?” He shared that he occasionally went to church with his parents in Washington State, but nothing recent. I took the opportunity to share what Jesus has done in my life and gave him the tracts. He was genuinely surprised and touched that I cared enough to give them to him. God gave me uninterrupted time with Dave before he had to get back to the golfers.
Las Vegas Country Club – Part 2
As I was leaving the country club, I started reflecting on the guard gate and decided to pull over. The security guard stepped out of his shack, and I couldn’t help but wonder what his job must be like. Does anyone ever stop to talk to these guys?
His name was Justin, and we struck up a great conversation—completely uninterrupted. He told me he grew up just north of Knoxville, TN, and is currently living with his dad, taking care of him.
I gave him the tracts, and his reaction was incredible. He became so animated it felt surreal. He even asked where I go to church, saying he’d like to meet up again.
Men: All you have to do is ask!
“Let us maintain that it is the highest love to warn men plainly of danger (hell) and to beseech them to ‘flee from the wrath to come.'”
J.C. Ryle (1816 – 1900)
In closing, here are several verses I might suggest you take special attention to, as you begin your New Year:
(John 5:30; John 15:5; Matthew 11:28-30; Galatians 2:20; Hebrews 4:1-3)
Much Love in Christ,
EXTRA BONUS: A great read to start the new year (2 min read) Who Is Jesus?
Walter Henrichsen
Are we like Solomon? I’m not directly referring to his wisdom, wealth, or power. Instead, I’m talking about Solomon’s blatant disregard for God’s commands.
Below, I’ve included the introduction to the daily devotional, “Warnings for a People Not Listening to God,” commonly called the Red Book. Please take time to read it thoughtfully—don’t brush it off.
Ask the Lord to make you teachable as you read. What is He truly conveying to us through this message?
CLick On Graphic To Enlarge And/Or Send To A Friend
You can Order The Devotionals Here
Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Hernandez
Jorge & Astrid Praying 12/27/24
My wife and I had the privilege of attending the wedding of Jorge and Astrid. As I mentioned in last month’s Friday letter [E²Vegas.org/Friday-Mens-Group-12-13-24], Jorge proposed to Astrid—and last Friday, they were married at Walk Church.
It was a beautiful, God-honoring ceremony that touched us both deeply. I first met Jorge back in November 2021, and it has been such a blessing to know this brother and witness his journey.
Please keep Jorge and Astrid in your prayers as they begin their new life together, seeking to honor God in their marriage.
🔹Let me know if any of you would like to contact Jorge to congratulate him🔹
Upcoming Men’s Retreats – Please Pray
Jan 10 – 12th – North Texas Men’s Conference (Texas)
Jan 31 – Feb 2 – Men’s Winter Retreat 2025 (Pennsylvania)
Feb 28 – Mar 2 – Lost Valley Men’s Retreat (Colorado)
May 1 – 3 – Great Lakes Men’s Retreat (Ohio)
Yikes! The Average American Spent 2.5
Months on Their Phone in 2024
65.7% use their phone on the toilet
I would guess that those 2.5 months are not using the Bible App! Cell phone addiction is real. One of the MIM brothers said men need to do a 3-day cell phone fast periodically.
Make sure you read the article….. Yikes indeed!!
Read the PC Mag article HERE
Read the comprehensive report HERE
THE JOHN 10:10 PROJECT: A Look Back on 2024
If you missed any of these great videos, Here Is The Link
These are GREAT to send to your UNBELIEVING friends
What happens in Hell when you wake up there?
by R.C. Sproul
This is a 46 minute message by R.C. Sproul. It is an amazing message. If you don’t want to listen to the whole message, start at minute 24
YouTube Link starting @ min 24
Check Out This Comment by Sproul starting @ minute 34:38
“I can remember walking down a hall in a house back in Pennsylvania. There was a mirror on the wall. As I walked past that mirror, I caught a reflection myself, which was not a pleasant experience, but as I looked in the mirror the thought struck me, ‘what if you’re deceiving yourself about the state of your soul. What if you are going to hell.’ I was terrified.”
Open Season
When it comes to seeking and saving the lost, it’s always hunting season. We should be ready to preach the gospel to everyone we meet, at all times.
“We want in the church of Christ a band of well-trained sharpshooters, who will pick the people out individually and be always on the watch for all who come into the place, not annoying them, but making sure that they do not go away without having had a personal warning, invitation, and exhortation to come to Christ.”
Charles Spurgeon