Pasadena Jewish Temple
Eaton Fire 1-7-25
“Does not the Most High send both calamity and good?”
Lamentations 3:38
Hi Men:
Jesus said, “In this world you will have trouble, but take heart, I have overcome the world. I have told you these things, so that ‘IN’ Me, you will have peace.” (John 16:33)
Question: In the midst of so much going on, do you possess His peace?
This is not the first time we have see devastating fires. Yet, this one is especially impactful, because of the size and number of homes lost and who they belong to. The historic synagogue, which stood for over 80 years, was completely destroyed.
Most of you should know by now, that God is 100% in control and He is good. I wonder if the Synagogue leaders reflected on this Old Testament verse from Isaiah 45:7
“The One forming light and creating darkness,
Causing well-being and creating calamity;
I am the Lord who does all these.”
Read Day 40 “God Brings Calamity”
Meet our hay delivery guys, Ivan & David. You met David Last May. Yesterday they dropped off 20 bales of grass hay and 10 bags of shavings. Not only does David want to be on the Friday letter, but would like to make Zion this year. I wanted to be extra nice to him, because he knows how to use those hay hooks hanging on his shoulder🤠
I got share the gospel with Ivan with David standing nearby. You guys know by now how I proceed and what I give out. Even thought it was a windy afternoon, it was a precious time with these (2) men.
On Wednesday, I had to get another blood test. My doctor thinks my cholesterol is too high, even though I showed him the life insurance medical underwriting guidelines for someone my age. For someone over age 70, my cholesterol can be 300 and still get “preferred” insurance [Remember, I was in the life insurance business for 43 years – no one has better mortality data than insurance companies!]. My doctor, however, seems to have completely bought into the pharmaceutical companies’ data. Oh well, I’ll just be labeled “non-compliant.” No statins for me!🤠
Anyway…… the gal that took my blood was super nice. Her name was Esmeralda and has worked at Quest for 7 years. I asked her, “Has anyone had ever given you $100,000,000?” Then I showed her all the other items and said, “Steps To Peace With God” is the Gospel and literally transformed my life. When I offered it to her, she literally snatched it out of my hand—I kid you not! She was super grateful. YOU NEVER KNOW UNTIL YOU ASK!
Since I had to fast for the blood draw, I was hungry and again went to Peg’s. Some of you may remember my last visit in September. This time, my server was Uriel. He grew up in Mexico City and I was bummed I didn’t have some of my Spanish tracts, but he spoke pretty good English and after I paid my bill, with the restaurant now pretty empty, I said I have something for you. He had a lot of tats and one was a cross, so I asked him what that meant to him. It was pretty vague. I had a great conversation with him and he wanted everything I had. He has 3 boys at home
Be praying for all those that lost their homes and temporal possessions. Be praying that God would comfort and guide them to His “Eternal Hope!”
Lord Jesus, Come Quickly,
(Gal 2:20)
“As I held my son in my arms while he slipped into eternity, I knew I was experiencing the beautiful handiwork of God”
In most cases, before I ever give a man the Blue Devotional (Thoughts From the Diary of a Desperate Man). I ask him to read Day 11 or…. we we read it together. After he reads it, I ask him, “Do you still want this devotional?”
Most men want it because they are tired of “Fluffy Christianity” or “Christianity Lite.” Since this devotional came out in 1999, I have personally given out over a thousand. By the way, last year 5000 were printed for the brothers in India!
The Twin Pillars of Faith – Day 11 Blue Book
The purpose of these devotionals is to help you think Biblically.
Solomon said, “As a man thinks, so is he”
Download And Send this devotional to a buddy to discuss. God’s Sovereignty is the focus!
Upcoming Men’s Retreats – Please Pray
Jan 10 – 12th – North Texas Men’s Conference (Texas) “THIS WEEKEND”
Jan 31 – Feb 2 – Men’s Winter Retreat 2025 (Pennsylvania)
Feb 28 – Mar 2 – Lost Valley Men’s Retreat (Colorado) “REGISTRATION OPENS TODAY!”
May 1 – 3 Great Lakes Men’s Retreat (Ohio)
The Widows of Nigeria – Sisters of Honor
[From the January Voice of the Martyr Magazine]
“I never thought that I would ever forgive Boko Haram,” Ruth said. “But I did. I have not only forgiven them, but I love them.” Boko Haram had attacked Ruth’s village, killing several hundred people and burning buildings, including her church.
10,000 Christian women in Nigeria have been widowed by Islamic attacks in the past 20 years. And it continues at a more accelerated rate today. As I have reported in past Friday Letters, the same thing is going on in many Islamic influenced countries today. By the power “in” Christ, if they can forgive, is there someone you still need to forgive?
Twice a year, Christian widows from villages in northern Nigeria, an area controlled by militant Islamist groups, are invited to a secure region in the country to receive spiritual and emotional encouragement from highly trained staff to help them recover from the trauma of persecution. Regina, whose husband was killed for his faith by Islamists, is one of these widows.
With no formal education or employable skills, many of our widowed Nigerian sisters in Christ struggle to feed their families. Although a deceased husband’s family is culturally expected to care for their son’s widow, the family often refuses to care for Christian widows who left Islam to follow Christ.
“Life has not been easy for me. I could not hold up myself. I could not feed the children,” one widow said.
During three months of healing and training, the widows study God’s Word, learning about his character and love and reflecting on biblical truth and obedience. Through the study of God’s Word and support from the body of Christ, they find hope and learn to forgive.
“I never thought that I would ever forgive Boko Haram,” Ruth said. “But I did. I have not only forgiven them, but I love them.” Boko Haram had attacked Ruth’s village, killing several hundred people and burning buildings, including her church.
Overcoming grief and fear, the widows begin to tell others about Jesus Christ. Some return to their home villages with new skills and even tools such as sewing machines to help them provide for their children and to serve as evangelists in their communities.
“I want people to know that God is a merciful God,” another widow said. “He knows us and our destiny. He does things in a way that man cannot understand unless you give your life to him.”
[Article from Voice of the Martyrs]
We all know someone suffering from cancer. My wife passed this article to me. It is tender and thoughtfully written. Pass it on to friend………
I lost my eighteen-year-old son, Ezra, to a cruel battle with Leukemia in September of 2022. When he was sick, the seventh floor of the Children’s Hospital, the cancer floor, was full of children fighting that cursed disease.
Read the full article HERE
Two and a Half Hours that Changed My Life!
Men: This is amazing and encouraging. Check out this YouTube Short that our brother Bill McCurine send on Robin Uthappa, former cricket player of India.
Watch it on YouTube (1 minute)
What Does It Mean to Be Born Again?
By Greg Laurie
Men: As I mentioned above, when I shared my testimony with Ivan, I asked him if he had ever heard the term “Born Again?” Most people say yes, then I say: “I used to HATE the term, ‘Born Again’…… (then pause)……… until it happened to me!
Whether it’s a blog from Greg Laurie, a Teaching From MacArthur (YouTube) or the scene with Nicodemus and Jesus from The Chosen (YouTube) we should continue to send these out in faith.
This weekend, take a pause on the social media, and spend some time reflecting on these (3) resources