Horsehead Nebula – NASA/JWST
“There is a way which seems right to a man,
But its end is the way of death.”
Proverbs 14:12
Hi Men:
I pray Jesus has been on your mind throughout each day this week. After all, Jesus said: “…..apart from Me, you can do nothing.” Of course John 15:5 is familiar to most of you, but what about John 15:2 ….. “Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away” Question: Are you bearing fruit?
I know what some of you are saying…. “what’s with that verse? It doesn’t seem to go with the photo.” At first take, you are absolutely correct (By the way, some of you may recognize that verse, it’s in the tract we use all the time, Steps To Peace with God)
You all know how much I love reflecting on the Universe….. and so many of you also. As of April, these are brand new images from the James Webb Telescope of the iconic Horsehead Nebula. But first a bit of history. You will like this…..
In 1888 at Harvard College Observatory, frustrated with his male assistants, astronomy professor Edward Pickering famously claimed that his maid could do a better job of identifying and cataloging the extensive collection of images taken at the observatory. He hired his maid, Williamina Fleming, along with several other women, who became known as “computers.” Fleming proved Pickering’s point. In addition to discovering the Horsehead Nebula, Fleming discovered 58 other gaseous nebulae, 10 novae, and more than 300 variable stars. She eventually became the first American woman to be elected an honorary member of the Royal Astronomical Society of London
What a cool story…….right?
Anyway, besides the Horsehead Nebula being 1300 light years away, to the east of Orion’s Belt and scores of other amazing facts, it is another spectacular creation of our majestic God. As I was meditating on this, Proverbs 14:12 came across my screen. I know how much effort went into building the James Webb Space Telescope. It took over 30 years with a 10 billion dollar price tag. With all the engineers, scientists, astrophysicists and support personnel, with the primary goal to discover other planets (exoplanets) that can support life……. “which seems right to a man,” but without Jesus, “its end is the way to death.” SOBERING!
This video of the Horsehead Nebula is really cool. God astounds me…………
Meet David…… Just yesterday, this man could pick up a 3-wire bale of hay and toss it on the stack like it was Styrofoam. There was something different about him as we were “shootin’ the bull” in the hayshed and getting to know one another. When I asked him where he was spiritually, a big smile came over his face and David said, “Jesus is my Lord, I’m Born Again.” That made my day!!! Such a rare statement these days….. sadly. David’s only been in Vegas a short time. He’s lived most of his life in Montana. His older brother died of cancer and that’s what God used to bring him to the Cross. We had a fantastic conversation and the Lord willing, you will hear more about David in the days ahead. Maybe even meet him at Zion Boot Camp! God is so good! Please pray for David……..
Amazing Grace (make sure you read the article below: The High Price of Grace)
Grateful for the “Fear of the Lord”
(Galatians 2:20)
Such an important message in this devotional. In the 3rd paragraph it mentions a husband protecting his wife. I recall a number of years ago, a person emotionally hurt my wife and she called crying and severely upset. Due to the counsel of a brother in Arizona, I told my wife I would take care of it. I was flying back into town, so when my plane landed I went directly to this person’s office. I told him sternly, you NEVER speak to my wife like that again. If you have something to say, call me! Not only did this person ever repeat this behavior, but my wife felt secure that I was her protector and living out Biblical headship. These issues can be quite common within families; i.e., a mother-in-law railing on her daughter-in-law, etc.
Standing in Harm’s Way – Day 131 Red Book
The purpose of these devotionals is to help you think Biblically
Solomon said, “As a man thinks, so is he”
To order a Red Book (Warnings for a People Not Listening to God)
“But so that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins”—then He said to the paralytic, “Get up, pick up your bed and go home.” (Matt 9:6)
Men: The brothers in Atlanta have sent out their May Blog. It was written by our brother Dr. Jerry Bangert of Tucson, Arizona. Bookmark this message. DON’T MISS READING IT. Here is what our Atlanta brothers said:
Dear Friends,
Amidst all the lawlessness we are witnessing in the world today, be encouraged. God is our Sovereign and there is absolutely nothing beyond His reach, nothing. Considering current events, rather than being concerned and anxious we invite you to pause and reflect on God’s tremendous grace and generosity towards those who follow Christ.
When was the last time you considered the value of God’s grace and contemplated the enormous cost? Words like forgiveness and grace are common parlance among Christians, but how often do we stop to remember their true meaning? Our brother from Tucson, Arizona, Jerry Bangert wrote this month’s blog, The High Price of Grace. [Thank you, Jerry!] We commend it to you and encourage you to join us in meditating on God’s unfathomable gift.
Remember, if you feel led to write a future blog, or if you have feedback on these monthly writings, please email Arthur Corbin ( or Chris Strippelhoff (
In His name,
Arthur, Bob, Chris, and Steve
PS. As always, you can find this and past blogs at
Read Jerry’s Article HERE
Sin Against One’s Own Body
by Bill McCurine | May 7, 2024 | Ministry in the Marketplace
“Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body. 19 Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, 20 for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.”
1 Corinthians 6:18–20 (ESV)
Men: This 3 minute read is chalked full of Biblical truth. Make sure you find some quiet time to not only read it, but pass it on to your buddies. You know who they are!
Some of you don’t know who Bill is. Here is a short bio:
Hon. William McCurine is a retired Federal Magistrate Judge from the Ninth Circuit in California. He served with distinction on the bench for ten years, mediating over 1600 cases in his career. Prior to his service as a judge, Bill was rated one of the top trial lawyers in San Diego. He is a Harvard Law graduate. Bill was the first African American to win the Rhodes Scholarship in Chicago and attended Oxford University. He has been married 52 years to his lovely wife Dana and has 3 grown children, Ryan, Skylar, and Quinton.
“Do all things without complaining and disputing”
Phil 2:14 (NKJV)
Men: A great letter from our sister in Christ, Leette Henrichsen. Some of you may not know that Leette is the widow of Walt Henrichsen. Her short letter is quite convicting.
30 Year Bible Study
A band of brothers that have been meeting monthly from across the country for close to 30 years will joyfully meet once again this month. Below is what we are taking a deep dive into. I might suggest you bring it up with “your” band of brothers…….
Many Aspire, Few Attain
Listen to the Recorded Message (51 Minutes):
Read the PDF Document
How many times have we said,
“If only I had this, then I would be happy!”
How great to ponder on this profound profound truth.
Note: If you haven’t read, “The Screwtape Letters”….. now is a great time!
“And He was saying to them all, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake, he is the one who will save it.” (Luke 9:23-24)
Quote below is from:
“The Discipline of Delusion”
How Secular Ideas Became the New Idolatry

“The cost of following Christ has always been high. We in the modern West have paid little to follow Him, and as a result have lost the ability to see the plain truth of the Bible. The world is opposing Christ and His followers with increasing ferocity, and that cost to follow Him is about to go up for us. War is being waged against the truth of Christ, yet the modern church does not know how to biblically wage war. She has forgotten the truth.” (Page 182)
[Kindle version available on Amazon]
From time-to-time we will run into a new believer or a brother that has become stagnant. This is a great little tract to get them going on their prayer life.
I love the quote from E.M. Bounds:
“Around us is a world lost in sin, above us is God willing and able to save; it is ours to build the bridge that links heaven and earth, and PRAYER is the mighty instrument that does the work.”