Triumph of Faith
Painting by: Eugène Romain Thirion • 1839-1910
Christian Martyrs with the Lions in the Time of Nero – 65 AD
“We must endure many tribulations to enter the kingdom of God”
Acts 14:22
••Some good stuff to ponder over this extended weekend••
Hi Men:
I liked this line from one of the devotionals below: For those who are “in” Christ, the suffering of this world has a redemptive direction—our release from corruption and our glorification (Rom 8:23-25,30). The Bible is very clear that His elect will suffer. 2 Timothy 3:12 declares:
“INDEED, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus WILL be persecuted!” (my emphasis)
JOSEF TSON – Suffering for Christ
What His Suffering for Christ in Communist Romania Taught Him, and Can Teach Us
By Randy Alcorn
“Josef viewed his suffering as God’s means to accomplish God’s purpose. He told of guards coming to Christ while beating Christian prisoners, then confessing their faith and being imprisoned and tortured themselves. As a result, the gospel his persecutors tried to dismiss touched them instead.”
Click Here to read this profound message. Don’t forget to watch his sermon video (YouTube 2½ mins)
Sobering!! (download attached .jpg to send to your church buddies)
Have a great 4th of July!
Much Love in Christ,
(Gal 2:20)
Second Saturday – We Are Back!
Saturday, July 9 (7pm – 9pm)
See attached PDF. Please RSVP to:
Don’t forget to invite a man! See you there!
I could easily gloss over this devotional and say, ho-hum, that was interesting. But with deeper reflection what Walt was saying is profound.
“The difference between them and me is the grace of God. I am amazed and humbled at His goodness in my life.”
Stupid Thinking – Red Book Day 183
The purpose of these devotionals is to help you think Biblically
Solomon said, “As a man thinks, so is he
Men: I’m sure like you, I continually run into Christian guys discussing retirement. I think it is a good time to review a couple devotionals on the subject. Both the Blue Book devotional and Dwight Hill’s message are timely.
As we reflect on these devotionals, let’s not forget what Gayle Jackson said a few years back:
“Let us all focus our thinking as men of Christ and pursue the mind of Christ. All else is folly“
The Desire to Retire – Blue Book (To Order: click here)
Facts of the Matter
By Dwight Hill
RETIREMENT? When does one fold up his tent to go and play?
Is there a time limit on loosing our lives for the Gospel? I don’t think so. (Lk. 9:23,24;14:33; I Jn 3:16)
In my weariness, I dreamed of hitting that magical age of retirement and cruising a bit. You know, buy the big sedan, throw in the “sticks”, and meander across the country. Ease up. Back off. Slow down. In a word, “retire.”
Then I read of missions’ expert, Dr. Ralph Winter, who along with his wife were diagnosed with terminal cancer. His response? “I can see the finish line, and I’ve decided to sprint for it.” Retirement? No way.
I thought of Billy Graham, who, in his late-70’s with Parkinson’s disease, is still holding city-wide crusades and satellite conferences that affect millions…or more. Retirement? No way.
Or Bob Cockerel, who, in his 40’s took time away from business to make trips to Africa to teach in a Bible school. When in his 60’s he was diagnosed with cancer, he bought a one way ticket and disappeared into the bowels of that Continent to finish what he had started. Retirement? No way.
Or Mother Teresa, who died at 87, with 3 garments to her name, and $100.00 in the bank. Herself feeble and ill, she continued feeding and loving the disenfranchised to the very end. Retirement? No way.
I am reminded of that farmer who made it big. Or rather God allowed him to make it big by blessing his land. So he dreamed of larger barns and “party time”. Wanted to cruise. And God’s answer? “No way!”
“…The ground of a certain rich man produced a good crop. He thought to himself…’I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods…Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry.’ But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you…?’ This is how it will be with anyone who stores up things for himself but is not rich toward God.’” (Lk. 12:13ff)
QUESTION: Tell me, is there a fire burning in your soul for the things that break the heart of God?
Most everyone in the world knows about Coca-Cola, but have yet to once hear the name “Jesus.” Yeah, let’s visit the grand kids, take the cruises, and play golf now and then. But retire? No way! Personally I have made a decision to sprint for the finish line, giving it 110% until I drop. How about you?
~R. Dwight Hill~
Men: Read this short message by Charles Spurgeon. “God is glorified when we serve Him in our proper vocations.”
What is Your Calling? C.H. Spurgeon
Some people have the foolish notion that the only way in which they can live for God is by becoming pastors, missionaries, or Bible teachers. How many would be excluded from any opportunity of spiritual usefulness if this were the case. Beloved, it is not office—it is sincerity; it is not position—it is grace that will enable us to serve and glorify God. God is definitely glorified at the workbench, where the godly worker fulfills his task singing of the Savior’s love. In this humble setting God is glorified far more than in many a lofty pulpit where official religion performs its scanty duties. The name of Jesus is glorified by the taxicab driver as he blesses God and speaks to his passengers of the living hope. He will be more useful than the popular preacher who goes about peddling the Gospel for profit. God is glorified when we serve Him in our proper vocations.
Take care, dear reader, that you do not neglect the path of duty by leaving your occupation and take care you do not dishonor your profession while in it. Think little of yourselves, but do not think too little of your callings. Every lawful trade may be sanctified by the Gospel to noblest ends. Turn to the Bible, and you will find the most menial forms of labor connected either with most daring deeds of faith or with persons whose lives have been illustrations of holiness.
Therefore, do not be discontented with your calling. Whatever God has made your position or your work, remain in that, unless you are quite sure that He calls you to something else. Let your first concern be to glorify God to the best of your ability where you are. Fill your present sphere to His praise, and if He needs you in another, He will show it to you. This evening lay aside anxious ambition and embrace peaceful content.
[Photo Credit: NV Energy linemen working in front of the Stratosphere Hotel]
Waiting for the Clouds to Break
By Kevin Gardner
Our sufferings are not the end of the story. One day, the clouds will break and the sun will shine through. On the glorious day of Christ’s return, all will be set right. And that’s what matters. (Rev. 21:1–5)
To read this short article: Click Here
“Lord, You know what distracted hearts we have……..”
Gerhard Tersteegen • 1697-1769
Men: I took a photo of this from my wife’s prayer bible. I had never heard of this German Reformed writer…….
As one the brothers said after reading this prayer, “Dan, the issues in our spiritual life do not change over time. Nothing new, but nonetheless relevant.”
So true…… Even though it was written over 300 years ago, Gerhard Tersteegen knew what we all needed to hear……