Friday Men’s Group 5/19/23

Electric Daisy Carnival • 2023
Starts Tonight

“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.
Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.”
Matthew 9:37-38

Hi Men:

Last year at the “Altar Conference, [E² by Raiders QB, Derek Carr, I met a brother who has a ministry that focuses on “rave concerts.”  In a recent email (see outlook attachment – if you are able to open it) he used the above verse as he and his team arrived in town for the Las Vegas EDC (Electric Daisy Carnival).  It was estimated yesterday that more than 500,000 ravers will be in Vegas for the EDC.  Ravers will be attending from all 50 states and from over 100 countries.  EDC Las Vegas is the “Flagship” of all rave concerts! 

For more EDC information you can read what I wrote last year this time: E²

Rob and Colleen Myers, founders of Engaged to Go Ministries, are truly in the trenches as they pour themselves into the lives of these young people.  Alejandro and I met with Rob on Tuesday when he arrived from CA.  I asked him about volunteers in Las Vegas.  Rob said he has been coming to Las Vegas since the first EDC in 2011.  He has visited a number of churches during those years and to date he has no volunteers from Las Vegas to assist at the EDC concerts.  He brings in his teams from other states.  The darkness and evil are overwhelming and the Enemy is not giving up these young people without a fight.  Rob says prayer is critical at these events and you need your spiritual armor on for sure (Eph 6:10-17)     

I reflected on, why there are so “few workers these days?  ………… Luke 9:23-24 came to mind.  Jesus said:

“……..If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me.  For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake, he is the one who will save it.”

How many people do you know that are actively denying themselves, taking up their cross (which is an instrument of death), and truly following Jesus?  Just my opinion, but I think that is what it takes to truly pour your life into the lives of others, including steadfast discipleship.  Here is what Colleen Myers said in her email yesterday about one young raver:

“And there’s Diana… a young woman in Las Vegas who received multiple PLURway bracelets at several raves (including EDC). She contacted me during a difficult time in her life and gave her life to the Lord. I’ve been discipling her for 4 years now and can’t wait to have lunch with her this week.”

PLEASE PRAY for the Engaged To Go Team this weekend.  Here is how you can follow them:

For real-time prayer requests, follow us on Facebook “Until Heaven is Crowded.” Click on Prayer Team to join this special group of prayer warriors.

Here is the website they put together for the ravers: 

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Next week I will share the story of Kenny w/ Martinez Trucking.

It has an interesting twist!

Praying to “Finish Well”
(Galatians 2:20) 

Zion Boot Camp
Dec 8-10, 2023

Men of Zion 2022

More Information to Follow SoonPlease Calendar Dec 8th – 10th


As mentioned above, Jesus declares in Luke 9 that we have to lose our life in order to save it, I thought it would be a good to reflect once again on the fact that all of us were born a slave.  The question is, whose slave will you be?  A slave to sin or a slave to righteousness?  Below is a short paragraph from Day 141-143.  Please read the full devotional yourself.  It is imperative that you understand your position in Christ as His faithful slave.

If you don’t have a Red Book, you need to order one. Click Here  “Warnings for a People NOT listening to God”

There should be a sense of urgency in understanding these truths…… !!

Day 141 – Born Slaves • Part One – May 20th
“Everything is, and has always remained under the perfect control of God.
This means that you are not in control and will never be in control.
In a spirit of gratitude, do you acknowledge this and thank God that He controls you?”

Day 142 – Born Slaves • Part Two – May 21st
“You are not in control and will never be in control.
God is in control and will never surrender it to you or to anyone else.
You are a slave of Providence or predetermination, irrespective of what you call it.
Paul writing to the Corinthians said it is unthinkable that a person for whom Christ died should live for himself.”

Day 143 – Born Slaves • Part Three – May 22nd
“If God, who knows every thought and imagination of your heart,
cannot see that you would rather be His slave than free,
He will not accept you as one of His.”


“To the degree that you meditate on the Word of God, He will deliver you from a vacuous, sinful life.”  But unfortunately, “people who live iniquitous lives tend not to spend much time thinking; the experience is too painful.”   

Refusing to Think – Red Book Day 140
The purpose of these devotionals is to help you think Biblically

Solomon said, “As a man thinks, so is he

Phil 4:8


Why Do Christians Struggle to Love?

You will enjoy this article by Jon Bloom with Desiring God.  Below are some profound bullet points….. right up your alley!
To read the entire article, which I recommend, here is the link:

 It’s Supposed to Be Hard

According to the New Testament, learning to walk in the obedience of faith looks like the following:

  • Denying ourselves, taking up our cross, and following where Jesus leads (Matthew 16:24)
  • Putting to death what is earthly in us (Colossians 3:5), and not letting sin reign in our mortal bodies, to make us obey its passions (Romans 6:12)
  • Dying every day to sin, personal preferences, and even our Christian freedoms out of love for Jesus, our brothers and sisters in the faith, and unbelievers (1 Corinthians 15:31)
  • Doing nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility counting others more significant than ourselves (Philippians 2:3)
  • Putting on compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other as the Lord has forgiven us (Colossians 3:12–13)
  • Repaying no one evil for evil, but always seeking to do good to one another and to everyone (1 Thessalonians 5:15)
  • Rejoicing always, praying without ceasing, and giving thanks in all circumstances (1 Thessalonians 5:16–18)
  • Loving our enemies and praying for those who persecute us (Matthew 5:44)
  • Wrestling against spiritual rulers, authorities, cosmic powers over this present darkness — the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12)



Building Great Men…….. Our Most Urgent Priority
by Pete Alwinson

What a rare article by a conservative denomination (PCA).  It’s worth reading when you have a moment.  He touches on the same questions we challenge men with:

  • Who Am I?
  • Why Am I Here?
  • Where Am I Going?
  • Plus others like: How Do I Live? & Will I Succeed?

He emphasizes the importance of discipleship and states what we have known for years, the reason there is so little discipleship in churches is because most pastors have never been discipled themselves and it’s not a priority in the seminaries.  He also made this statement:

Many pastors report to me that they have never been discipled as men, nor did they study the subject in seminary. They are more comfortable talking with women in the church. Some pastors have admitted that they are afraid of men. 

If interested, here is the link:



Patience That Leads to Perseverance

10,000th Radio Broadcast

She has some great comments during this 26 minute podcast.  You might want to pass it on to your wife and daughters.  Joni has some wonderful suggestions for those suffering toward the end of her message.

Watch on YouTube (26 minutes)