In Him we have obtained an inheritance,
having been predestined according to the purpose of Him
who works all things according to the counsel of His will
Eph 1:11 (ESV)
Hi Men:
I pray you had time “in” Christ this week that anchored your hope in the eternal and not on the temporal. I was visiting with a dear brother yesterday afternoon and we some spent time discussing what the Bible says about worry along with one respected commentator’s insight. Most all of you are quite familiar with Matthew 6:25-34. I love what the NASB calls it: “A Cure for Anxiety” You all know and have Matt 6:33 memorized where Jesus declared: “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Men, it doesn’t get any better than that. What is Jesus saying? Simply put, “Seek His kingdom first and you will find it – and everything you need as well.” You remember what Paul said in Phil 4:5, “Be anxious for NOTHING…..”
Corrie ten Boom, a woman who wrote about her imprisonment in German concentration camps, learned that:
“Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it empties today of its strength.”
Men, do a quick inventory of your week. What were you anxious about? Are you worrying about a financial issue or a workplace problem, a personal/family situation or child/grandchild that is headed down the wrong track? Maybe the leadership of our country or war and rumors of war? How about the deterioration of morality and the suppression of The First Amendment? Perhaps an asteroid that might hit the earth? …… and the list goes on….. Now one final question: Regarding the aforementioned, how much time are you spending on the internet, Facebook, Instagram, twitter, etc., exacerbating the problem? Enough said…. Let’s move on!
Believe it or not, this is a new Hubble image as of Nov 2021. This nebula is located in a nearby galaxy called the Large Magellanic Cloud, roughly 170,000 light-years away. You can see hydrogen gas glowing in the dark, along with dark dust lanes and stars of all ages in a complex structure. N44 has scientists totally baffled because they have no idea how the 250 light-year wide structure was formed. I believe we are going to see a lot of statements like this when the JWST goes online in a couple months (Note: The alignment of the telescope’s mirrors is now complete so they move into the final stage of instrument commissioning). Regardless, N44 is one cool nebula!
Let’s Not Forget The Above Verse: Ephesians 1:11 God is working ALL THINGS according to the counsel of His will. Do you believe this? Then why are you anxious and worrying about the Ukraine situation? Of course we pray for them (and Putin too – don’t forget what Jesus said in Matthew 5:44)……. And we offer aid to those that are suffering. While you’re at it, here are a couple other verses to ponder: Phil 4:19 & Romans 8:28
This week I went through the drive-though at Taco Bell. The gal that took my order was super friendly. When I got to the window, the total was 7 bucks and change. I gave her $10 and said to keep the difference. Well, she couldn’t believe it and wanted to give me the difference, but I insisted. I then grabbed the $1,000,000 Book of John (always have them ready w/ Steps To Peace inserted) and showed her the $1,000,000. Her eyes lit up and then I said, “But check this out” and opened it up and showed her the Book of John and said this is for YOU! Trust me when I say this….. she couldn’t believe that I would give her this! I handed it to her and she said with great assurance, “I will read this!” The way she said it, I totally believe her. Men, these opportunities are everywhere!
Jesus said:
“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore, I will pray that the Lord of the harvest will send out workers into His harvest.”
(Matthew 9:37–38; Luke 10:2)
Ok……Stop Worrying and Start Obeying!
(Gal 2:20)
I haven’t checked the numbers, but I really liked this quote by Dustin Benge:
“Traveling to the nearest Galaxy would take you 749 million years. Traveling to the end of the known universe would take you 225 trillion years. But to come into the presence of the Creator of it all…… all a child of God must do is cry out, ABBA!”
Don’t just read these (2) devotionals and move on…… ponder them over the weekend. You will be glad you did. If you are having trouble with the word depravity, ask God to show you…… with the expectation to be driven to your knees!
Escape from Reality & Perceiving Reality – Red Book Day 120-121
The purpose of these devotionals is to help you think Biblically
Solomon said, “As a man thinks, so is he
The Weight of Anxiety
By Craig McAndrews
“Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs it down, but a good word makes it glad.”
Proverbs 12:25
Men: I had this article bookmarked to read later. This is a great confirmation as to what I have been reflecting on. I want to thank Craig for this super encouraging and helpful article (see attached PDF or click on link below)
Please pass on to your buddies.
Note: If you’re not receiving these articles (Click Here)
“The beginning of anxiety is the end of faith, and the beginning of true faith is the end of anxiety.” George Müller 1805-1898
“…..People are coming to church for miracles,
but it is now our duty and responsibility to make them disciples”
Pastor Joshua Lal – India
Please watch this 1 ½ minute video I received Easter Sunday from Daniel Janagam. The brother in the photo is a pastor of one of the largest congregations in his area in the State of Haryana. Daniel Janagam was teaching pastors and laymen about E2 (Evangelism and Edification/Discipleship) in various cities in this state of Haryana, India (About 30 hours travel time see Google Maps)
Pastor Joshua Lal – Haryana, India
YouTube Link (90 Seconds)
By Paul Tripp
John Newton 1725-1807 – “Obedience”