The Men of Zion
Zion Boot Camp 2018
Hi Men:
Wow………… What a weekend! I do want thank all the men that made the trek to Zion. We had men from 7 different states and one of the guys timed it to bring his dad all the way from Cape Town, So. Africa. The teaching, devotionals, testimonies and the fellowship were superb. And the venue………… whoa!! (more photos coming)
Thanks to all of you!
So many things are still rolling around my head. For example, the teaching on the “Fear of the Lord.” You just can’t get away from all those Bible verses. God is to be feared………..period! This statement will stop a person in their tracks, “If you don’t fear God, I doubt if you know Him!” Remember men, that road is narrow and few find it……….
How many times have you heard, “the worship we have at our church is amazing!” Well what about Romans 12:1, that declares we should present our bodies as a living and holy sacrifice which is our spiritual service of WORSHIP. So what is it? Great music and singing or presenting our bodies as a living sacrifice? When we stand before the Bema Seat of Christ and give an account, I wonder what foundation will be more pleasing to Christ (1 Cor 3).
Stay tuned, in the days ahead we will have all the messages on the website:
On another note, I encourage you to read the attached Annual Letter from Lee and Miltinnie Yih. I thought these few sentences were quite profound……………. Obedience is the key!
See you at noon. For those new to the group, I have attached a map. Looking forward to being with you………….
(Gal 2:20)
Please pray for our brothers and sisters in India that were
faithfully praying for our Zion conference for many months

We were just talking about “Fear of the Lord” above.
Men, please get this very clear in your inner man!
Our first point, in last week’s “Facts” was I embraced the Sovereignty of God. (For Part 1, click here)
#2 – I GLEANED FROM MENTORS: Solomon informs us that, “he who walks with the wise grows wise…” (Pro. 13: 20a) Joshua had Moses, Paul had Barnabas, and Timothy had Paul. In my formative years God brought four godly men into my life: Skip Gray, Jim Peterson, Lorne Sanny, and Warren Myers who modeled what a spiritually mature man looked like. They also encouraged, challenged, instructed and even rebuked me when it was warranted.
QUESTION: Are you choosing to surround yourself with godly discipler/mentors types? Lone Rangerism is not an option for the serious follower of Christ. “ Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!” (Ecc. 4:9, 10)
#3 – I BUILT THE “BASICS” INTO MY LIFE: King Solomon stated that his purpose in writing the Book of Proverbs was “ to teach people to live disciplined and successful lives” (Pro. 1:3a – NLT). Paul admonished the Ephesians to “ live purposefully and worthily and accurately, not as the unwise and witless, but as wise (sensible, intelligent people)” (Eph. 5:15b – Amp.). Paul said of himself, “ I run with purpose in every step. I am not just shadowboxing. I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should. Otherwise, I fear that after preaching to others I myself might be disqualified” (I Cor. 9:26, 27 – NLT).
One reason I am, by His grace, still walking with God, is that in my formative years, I was helped to get serious about the “basics.” I’m talking about disciplined, prioritized time with God on a regular basis. I’m talking about prayerful meditation on, and application of the Scriptures to my life. I am talking about serious, in depth study of the Bible with a view toward mastery of the Scriptures. I am talking about systematic and disciplined Scripture memory. How can we help others spiritually if we do not have command of the Word of God? How can we live pure lives unless the Scriptures have gotten down into the very depth of our soul? Generally speaking, the Body of Christ is slovenly in its approach toward spiritual growth. Paul admonished Timothy, “ Train yourself toward godliness (piety), [keeping yourself spiritually fit]” (1 Tim. 4:7b – Amp.)
QUESTION: Are you in hot pursuit of truly knowing Christ as evidenced by a purposeful, informed, and disciplined approach to spiritual maturation? Or are you just lollygagging along like the wisp of the wind? We would do well to heed Paul’s warning, “…We must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad” (2 Cor. 5:10a).
This week, may you experience His grace, peace, and protection.
R. Dwight Hill
December 7th 1941
“On that ship 125 men found the Saviour
before it was sunk at Pearl Harbor”
(Page 9 – An Example of Spiritual Parenting) Click Here
Men, if you haven’t read Dawson Trotman’s short paper on “Born to Reproduce” I highly encourage you to do so. You can easily read in during the commercial breaks of your favorite game this weekend 😊
Also, listen to his audio:
Taken at Zion Boot Camp 2018