Amazing Sunrise! Zion Boot Camp – 12/2/2018
(Photo taken by Ted McAdam just outside the Hampton Inn)
Hi Men:
When I look at a photo like this, I wonder if this might be a miniscule preview of the wonders of heaven:
But, as it is written, “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love Him” (1 Corinthians 2:9) “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.” (John 14:15)
In just 10 days, Christmas will be upon us! By my mention of that, did your blood pressure just go up?
As I took a walk early this morning, I was again listening to the following message from the discipleship library titled, “The Kind of Man God Uses” It is 45 minutes and I HIGHLY recommend it. During the message Walt mentions how we can see our breath on a cold morning. I too could still see my breath as I walked. I noticed how quickly it vanished. Walt made the analogy concerning this vapor of a life in light of eternity. We all tend to put so much of our time, talent and treasure in this life, while ignoring where we are going to spend all of eternity…………… that’s just foolishness, right?
In Walt’s devotional below, he writes:
“I frequently hear believers say that they could never be motivated by so base a thing as eternal profit; such motivation smacks of selfishness. This kind of piety may be a cloak covering a fear of God holding them accountable for how they invested their lives, an accounting that appreciably influences their standard of living in eternity. Not wanting such accountability, they hide behind piety.” (Blue Book – November 14)
Nothing puts a knot in a guy’s stomach faster than when you start asking him what he’s doing with his money. In the Parable of the Mina’s (Luke 19) the nobleman tells his slaves to ………….‘Do business with this (minas) until I come back.’ Of course there is a more significant meaning to this parable, but we are best served if we quickly remember that not only is our money not ours, but it is on loan to us from God as He will certainly ask for an accounting of it on ‘That Day.’ Are you doing HIS business that will have major eternal profit for you? Are you making friends that will have an eternal impact for you? (Luke 16) Over the years as I have challenged guys concerning this, they will throw out the phrase, “……….I need to be a good steward.” Much of the time, that’s just code for “mind your own business.”
See you tomorrow men!
What a Savior!
PS: By the way, how many of you know about the Geminid Meteor Shower and the Shining Comet? Good stuff men!!
Geminid Meteor Shower and Shining Comet 46P/Wirtanen Star in Slooh Webcast
“For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.” (Romans 1:20)
Blue Book – Pray that you are not resisting a clear offer from God!
One of the brothers sent me this from the Valley of Vision – Puritan Prayers.
Take your time on this particular devotional. It will take you to your knees!
Facts of the Matter
In the previous two “Facts” we emphasized (1) I embraced the Sovereignty of God, (2) I gleaned from Mentors, (3) I built the basics into my life. We continue:
#4 – I MARRIED THE RIGHT WOMAN: How many good men have I known; men who had a heart for God and wanted to be used of him who simply married the wrong woman. I have to tell you that I am simply nutszoid over Ruth! Looking back, here are a few key reasons as to why our marriage succeeded:
While in our 20’’s, both Ruth and I sought out godly counsel concerning marriage, and chose not to marry until we were well established in our walks with God. (See Pro. 15:22; Ecc. 8:6)
I married a woman with whom I shared a common vision as to our life work (calling), and who was committed and equipped to helping me fulfill it. (See Gen. 1:26,28; 2:18-20)
I married a woman who was emotionally and spiritually mature, who possessed the character and the commitment to make our marriage work.
We both clearly understood the biblical imperatives for marriage and were committed to living them out. (See Eph. 5:21-33)
#5 – RUTH AND I SINCERELY SOUGHT TO LIVE OUT THE LIFE OF THE CROSS: In the starkest of terms Jesus laid out the challenge, “ If anyone wants to follow in my footsteps, he must give up all right to himself, carry his cross every day and keep close behind me. For the man who wants to save his life will lose it, but the man who loses his life for my sake will save it” (Luk. 9:23, 24 – Phil. Trans.).
So, what does it mean to deny one’s self? “It is to treat the self as if it did not exist…To take up our cross…means to be ready to endure the worst that man can do to us for the sake of being true to him. A man must spend his life, not hoard it…The questions are not, ‘How much can I get?’ but, ‘How much can I give?’ Not, ‘What is the safe thing to do?’ but, ‘What is the right thing to do?’ Not, ‘What is the minimum permissible in the way of work?’ but, ‘What is the maximum possible?’ The Christian must realize that he is given life, not to keep for himself but to spend for others; not to husband its flame but to burn it out for Christ and for men.”
This has been our goal for over 50 years. We are cast on His mercy as to whether we succeeded in His eyes. But the mindset to live the life of the cross has returned to or lives that have been rich beyond our wildest imagination.
QUESTION: How about you? Is your life about you and your happiness and fulfillment? Or is it about Him and His glory?
This week, may you experience His grace, peace, and protection.
~R. Dwight Hill~
Jim Elliott Quote: “He is no fool……………..”