Supercell in Alberta Canada
“Therefore let us lay aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.…… Put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh.”
(Romans 13:12, 14)
Hi Men:
I pray you had a great week “in” Christ. I love the verse above where it reads, “Put on the Lord Jesus Christ.” Question: Have you put Him on? Have you spent any time on your knees asking Jesus about this?
Last week I included a short video by R.C. Sproul (To Wake Up In Hell) where he quoted Jesus saying, “…….Wide is the gate and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction and there are many who enter through it.” (Matt 7:13) For some reason, when I looked at the photo above of the Supercell Thunderstorm, that verse also came to mind. Why in the world would we keep walking that wide path toward impending doom? If you missed that video by R.C. Sproul, at least listen to his comments at minute 4:28 (click here). We live in a world today that literally has no Fear of the Lord. Let me share this verse from Isaiah 5:20
“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil,
who put darkness for light and light for darkness…”
I came across that verse after I heard a short teaching this week from a dear brother. Let me share a few thoughts as he shared from Isaiah 8:11-14
For thus the Lord spoke to me with mighty power and instructed me not to walk in the way of this people, saying,
“You are not to say, ‘ It is a conspiracy!’
In regard to all that this people call a conspiracy,
And you are not to fear what they fear or be in dread of it.
It is the Lord of hosts whom you should regard as holy.
And He shall be your fear, and He shall be your dread.
Then He shall become a sanctuary……”
First of all, the Lord spoke to Isaiah with mighty power and told him not to walk in the way of this people; pagans not following in the way of the Lord. That also goes for us today, as we are not to get caught up in today’s worldly conspiracies that people can’t stop talking about. A few examples:
Election Fraud
Government Spending
What’s really being taught in our Public Schools and Universities
What the IRS is planning on doing in the days ahead
How about Mar-a-Lago, the FBI and the DOJ
What about Global Warming (Climate Change), Chem Trails, etc.
Likewise, vast numbers of people in the Body of Christ are rattled by all this and spend a great deal of time focusing on it. And what does God say, “And you are not to fear what they fear or be in dread of it.” As we have said a thousand times, we only fear one thing…… God. He is holy and “He shall be your fear and He shall be your dread.” I know I sound like a broken record, but today in the Body of Christ, Christians have lost their Fear of the Lord. They also tend to put their hope in the temporal instead of the eternal. Remember:
— You always fear in the direction of your hope —
So where are you placing your hope these days? Temporal or Eternal? In conclusion, the Lord says that He shall become a sanctuary, our place of refuge and safety. If we are wrapped up in circumstances other than God, how can God be my sanctuary? If we fear anything other than the Lord, He is NOT our sanctuary!
Praising God …… my Sanctuary,
(Gal 2:20)
“Grace promises a freedom that ungodly men turn into lasciviousness. Only a very few seem to grasp this truth.”
Men: A sincere Christian friend recently shared a story about “cheap grace” that should send chills down all of our backs. I have asked him to write it up then I will put it in the Friday letter. Remember this devotional. His story will parallel it.
Jude – Day 232 Red Book
The purpose of these devotionals is to help you think Biblically
Solomon said, “As a man thinks, so is he”
Zion Boot Camp
December 2-4, 2022
The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure.
Who can understand it?
(Jeremiah 17:9)
The Truth About Our Heart
Men: The link below is an outstanding devotional sent by a solid brother. Take 3 or 4 minutes and read this profound blog about your deceitful heart!
“The heart is clever, crafty; it can appear one way when it is quite another. We know that we have a frightening ability to hide a hateful heart under flattering words, or that we can speak softly and lovingly to someone whom we utterly despise. We do it all the time…………”
Click Here:
Easy Evangelism
In the above devotional, The Truth About Our Heart, by Ray Steadman, people will say, “Is it not true; man is basically good.”
I ran out of the Spanish version of this tract and just received my new order. These go like hotcakes with the Hispanic community. Why? For one thing it’s in comic form (non-threating) and it asks a question that most people will answer in the affirmative……. “Yes, I’m basically a good person.”
Even if they are busy, they graciously accept it and slip it in their pocket. At lunch or while they are riding in the truck, they will pull it out and read it. Also, when I can, I am slipping these in the “Million Dollar Gospel of John” with Steps to Peace with God. Don’t miss out. Make a commitment to start doing something …….. now!
To read the comic: Click Here
To order the comic in Spanish: Click Here
To order Steps To Peace With God: Click Here
Our Battle Between God & Satan
Men: As I am going through old boxes of articles, I ran across this old newspaper clipping I saved that had to be over 20+ years ago. Even though it is a secular article, it rings true and has some great advice for fathers…….. I wrote out what the article said.
What does It Take To Be A Good Father?
A willingness to listen. A willingness to recognize and acknowledge the importance of the interest of your children, even though you may have no interest yourself in the subject. In addition to that: time. Today our lives are so busy, every moment seems to be occupied by some task, (that there is) no greater gift we can give to our children than our time and our attention. You can buy them gifts and cars, but I don’t think you can have more influence on developing your children’s character than simply through spending time with them.
My wife took this photo Thursday morning………