Friday Men’s Group 8/16/24


“If you knew the gift of God and who is asking you for a drink, you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water.” ~ Jesus

Hi Men:
Well, tell me, did you retain the “peace that passes all understanding” this week? How about this verse? Are you dwelling on these things?
“Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.” (Phil 4:8)


My son sent me the image and link. [Compiled by the USGS] To picture it like this is amazing. Here are what those (3) spheres represent:

  • The large sphere represents all water on, in, and above the Earth
  • The smaller sphere over Kentucky represents Earth’s liquid fresh water in groundwater, swamp water, rivers, and lakes.
  • Did you notice the “tiny” bubble over Atlanta, Georgia? That one represents fresh water in all the lakes and rivers on the planet. How crazy is that? You’d think it would be a much greater volume than that…..

Here are a few additional facts:

  1. If all of Earth’s water (oceans, icecaps and glaciers, lakes, rivers, groundwater, and water in the atmosphere was put into a sphere, then the diameter of that water ball would be about 860 miles. Note: Mt Everest is 5.5 miles high
  2. The volume of all water would be about 332.5 million cubic miles (mi3). A cubic mile of water equals more than 1.1 trillion gallons.
  3. Find More Facts Here

Thus says the LORD, “Heaven is My throne and the earth is My footstool. Where then is a house you could build for Me? And where is a place that I may rest?” (Isaiah 66:1)

“….He would have given you LIVING WATER” …. I still love watching the 8 min video of Jesus and the Woman at the Well from John 4:10. If interested, here is the YouTube link (8 mins).



What a fun week. Let me give you a recap:

  • Sam’s Club – I had so much fun at Sam’s giving out the Commemorative Paris Olympic $1,000,000 Bill. Everyone one wanted them and I have been giving them out everywhere. They have the Gospel on the reverse side

  • Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf – On Tuesday, my buddy, Jack & I met up and had such a great visit. Jack had to run to an appointment so I hung around. The barista’s were working so very hard – almost non-stop. I asked the Lord if he wanted me to share the Gospel with any of them and shortly after that prayer, there was no one at the drive-up window and no new customers. I got up and walked to the manager and said, “I have something for you if you would like it.” Her name was Kristie and said, “Sure, what do you have?” I pulled out (2) sets of Steps To Peace With God, The Million Dollar Gospel of John, Are You a Good Person and some Paris $1,000,000 Bills. I shared what each of them were and then asked her if she knew the term “Born Again.” She said yes and I then said, “Years ago I hated that term……. until it happened to me!” I went on to explain the Gospel and then gave them all a big tip. Kristie couldn’t have been more receptive. The crazy thing, it was completely quiet the whole time we were visiting. Here is Kristie. She was so nice!

  • DMV & Coffee Class: Then there was the DMV and another coffee bistro called: Coffee Class. At Coffee Class, they too were so busy. The gal that waited on me was Sarah, and it was her “first day” on the job. Again I asked the Lord if He wanted me to talk to Sarah. I thought it wasn’t going to happen, but then she had to get something out of her car. I got up and met her in the parking lot. We had a short, but amazing conversation. I had the same tracts as mentioned above for both the DVM and Sarah. I also gave Sarah her “1st Day on the Job” gratuity! 🤠
  • What a great week!! I’m hard-pressed to tell you if there is anything I like more than meeting with men and sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ!

(Gal 2:20) 

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2 Timothy 4:2 “Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction.”

Open season. When it comes to seeking and saving the lost, it’s always “hunting” season. We should be ready to preach the gospel to everyone we meet, at all times.

“We want in the church of Christ a band of well-trained sharpshooters, who will pick the people out individually and be always on the watch for all who come into the place, not annoying them, but making sure that they do not go away without having had a personal warning, invitation, and exhortation to come to Christ.” Charles Spurgeon


A lot of things went through my mind as I re-read this devotional. The words in the second paragraph gave me pause:

* God makes you wealthy and it destroys your family
* The Lord gives you a long life and you end an embarrassment to Him and His cause
* He gives you children and their waywardness grieves you all the days of your life

Everything we have, comes from God (John 3:27). What a sobering devotional to do a “pride check” on ourselves. Be so careful about taking any credit for being clever……

Do Not Provoke God – Day 229 Red Book

The purpose of these devotionals is to help you think Biblically
Solomon said, “As a man thinks, so is he”

1 – Malachi 2:2
2 – Psalm 106:15

Weapons of Warfare Part 1

by Micah Olson | Jul 28, 2024 

Another great article. Please take the time to read it……

“Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong” (1 Corinthians 16:13).

“The Apostle Paul commands us to act like men. What does it look like to obey this command? Do men need to be commanded to act like men? Apparently we do. Because I think on some level all of us understand that there are men, and then there are men.”

Read the Weapons of Warfare Part 1


Men:  As I am going through old boxes of articles, I ran across this old newspaper clipping I saved that had to be over 20+ years ago.  Even though it is a secular article, it rings true and has some great advice for fathers……..  I wrote out what the article said.

What does It Take To Be A Good Father?

A willingness to listen.  A willingness to recognize and acknowledge the importance of the interest of your children, even though you may have no interest yourself in the subject.  In addition to that: time.  Today our lives are so busy, every moment seems to be occupied by some task, (that there is) no greater gift we can give to our children than our time and our attention.  You can buy them gifts and cars, but I don’t think you can have more influence on developing your children’s character than simply through spending time with them.

Our brother, Bill McCurine sent this:

Dear Friends:

   This is a powerful 30 second video about God’s sovereign protection.  I had to view it 3 times before I got it. The key is the title.

Watch on YouTube (30 seconds)

A couple quotes by J.C. Ryle (1816-1900)

“Human religions can easily gain adherents because all that is required is obedience to rules. Christianity requires a change of heart. This is a work of God and far more radical than rule-keeping.” 
“Jesus is the One who has the power over dead hearts. Not only can He mend that which is broken, build up that which is ruined, heal that which is sick, strengthen that which is weak. He can do even greater things than these. He can call into being that which was not before and call it out of nothing.”

My buddy Jack took this amazing photo as he was
hiking the Bonanza Trail above Cold Creek
[Trailhead is 1 hour outside of Las Vegas]