“Bear one another’s burdens,
and thereby fulfill the law of Christ.”
Galatians 6:2
Hi Men:
In light of everything going on right now, the safest place to be is for our life to be hidden with Christ in God (Col 3:3).
I know …. I know….. I’m not trying to be snarky with God’s word, but I ran across this photo taken in Alaska and that verse actually popped into my head. So, I thought I would take break and go with it. Maybe it will help me to remember this very profound verse.
To bear one another’s burdens is a true indicator that we have or are in the process of dying to self. One of the best indicators of this verse is when we become obedient to Matthew 28:19 and are engaged in true discipleship with another man. When the man you are discipling knows you truly love him, he will begin to share his burdens, so you can “bear” them with him. It can be emotional, physical, financial and spiritual struggles. It can be accountability and helping him overcome sin and praying for and with him. To help him navigate God’s word, could be the greatest area in bearing one another’s burdens.
Today, men get so little encouragement and are marginalized. Let’s press the pause button and ask our Lord how we can fulfill the law of Christ by bearing one another’s burdens.
“Surround yourself with friends who will tear a hole in the roof,
lift you up, and carry you down to the feet of Jesus”
Meet Bailey and Steven. They were behind the counter at a juice shop on Tuesday, where I met my buddy Scott with the Luke 2 Project. After our meeting concluded, there were no customers in the shop (which I believe was no coincidence). I approached them and said, “I have something for you if you would like it.” I looked at Steven and said, “You already have this from the last time I was here, but I’m happy to give you another set.” He definitely wanted it so he could give it to his younger brother. He said, “I still have everything you gave me (Steps to Peace, Million Dollar Gospel of John, and Are You a Good Person?).” I shared how Jesus changed my life, and Bailey mentioned that she had been thinking about her spirituality. Since no one else was in the shop, I asked her if she thought she was a good person. I won’t take the time to detail my questions to her, but I used Ray Comfort’s discussion for an example. I asked her if she had ever taken the Lord’s name in vain. She asked what that meant, and after I explained it, she admitted she had. Then I asked her if she loved her mom. She said, “Yes!” I asked if she would ever use her mom’s name as a curse word. She said, “NEVER!” I responded, “Why would you then use God’s name as a curse word, the God who created your mother?” She was stunned. This opened up more great discussion, and they were excited to get a photo together.
Men, the opportunities are all around us…….. Don’t miss out!
On Wednesday the 31st we will be having a luncheon for the boys that attained Eagle Scout in our Troop about 20 years ago. Please pray that God will be glorified at this luncheon.
In His Grip,
(Gal 2:20)
Men: Sear this into your inner man:
You are never more secure than when you realize you do not control the future and you trust in the Lord for His Providential care – when you acknowledge, “Christ is my life.”
Counting On Tomorrow – Day 207 Red Book
The purpose of these devotionals is to help you think Biblically
Solomon said, “As a man thinks, so is he”
How wrapped around the axle are you right now with all the political stuff?
[See Social Media article below]
Blood Clotting Revisited

Men, you remember when we discussed platelets and blood clotting a couple weeks ago. If you missed it, here it is again: E²Vegas.org/Friday-Mens-Group-7-12-24
I received a number of comments, but wanted to share this one from David, a scientist buddy of mine who is a professor at the Univ. of Kentucky. This is what he said:
The Truth Project (Focus on the Family) is simply superb. The “blood clotting” segment in, I believe video #6 of this series, illustrates the complexity of the blood clotting process and the multiple control & feedback mechanisms operative to insure optimum results for humans. This particular Truth Project episode shows that it’s impossible for this highly regulated, extremely complex yet optimal mechanism to have simply come into existence by “evolution”.
This comment by David was also fascinating:
I was a physics major and studied much of Newton’s works – he was such a gifted man, but I never knew about his relationship with the Lord through my many years of study or his Christian faith until I was in England and went to the British Museum. There I saw his actual notebooks and writings describing his faith. Had I not seen that, I would have never known Newton was a Christian and wrote almost as much about the Lord as he did about mechanics, the calculus of variation, heat transfer, etc.
Earth’s Hazardous Waste Removal Team
Men: This video by the John 10:10 Project is a MUST SEE!
I learned a bunch by watching this. Amazing!
Some vultures stunning vision enables them to spot a 3-foot carcass on an open plain 4 miles away….. that’s over 70 football fields away! That is crazy…..
Show this video to your kids/grandkids! (YouTube 9 Mins)
“God saw all that He had made. And it was very good.” (Gen 1:31)
Wow….. This was an interesting study. Believe it or not, it used almost 600 Iranian social media users. It was not only done by the Department of Psychology in Iran, but also Australia, USA and Budapest, Hungary.
The article highlight the troubling link between frequent social media use in adolescents and negative mental health outcomes. Notably, it’s the first to examine how platforms like TikTok, Instagram, X, and Facebook impact dream quality and sleep. The findings also show higher rates of depression, loneliness, isolation, cyberbullying, and suicide risk among young users.
Here is a quote by one of the lead authors of the report: “As social media becomes increasingly intertwined with our lives, its impact may even influence our dreams ………… we found that individuals who spend more time on the platforms during their waking life are more prone to experiencing nightmares.” …… Mr. Reza Shabahang, research psychologist at Flinders University in Australia.
Even though this is a secular study, I don’t need to tell you guys that we need to pay attention to our social media use. QUESTION: HAS IT BECOME AN IDOL? DO YOU THINK MORE ABOUT YOUR iPAD/PHONE THAN JESUS? 2 Cor 13:5
If interested, Read This Report from BMC Psychology (15 minute read w/ charts)
My FINAL Words to the World – John Lennox
I would hope most of you know who John Lennox is
(If not, do yourself a huge favor and find out. Amazing man!)
Listen and Watch This PROFOUND and CONVICTING Address From John.
(YouTube 6.5 Mins)

My wife, Jane found these cards on Amazon. They are PERFECT for those guys at the stop lights and off ramps when you don’t have much time. Just wrap a buck or two around them and let them know you love them in Christ. These are so good for the homeless guys at the end of my street to “start a conversation.” Then move into Steps To Peace With God…..
Here Is A Link if you would like to order some.
2024 Loyal Yokefellows
Pine Valley Men’s Retreat
September 20th – 22nd, 2024
Please pray for this upcoming conference in the mountains just outside San Diego.
(More Information)
Southwest Men’s Retreat (Arizona) October 4-6, 2024
2024 Leadership Conference (Georgia) October 18-20, 2024
The Guys’ Thing (Tomales Bay) November 8-10, 2024
Zion Boot Camp (Zion Nat Park) Dec 6-8, 2024