Friday Men’s Group 7/23/21

Sunset over South Las Vegas – 7/20/21

 “Giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father
in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ”
(Eph 5:20)

Hi Men:

I pray you have tasted the goodness of the Lord this week.  I’ve been thinking about this verse, “But he who unites himself with the Lord is one with Him in spirit.” (1 Cor 6:17).  How mind-boggling is this verse?  It goes on to say that we have been bought with a price and that you are not your own.  Take a moment and read these verses in context……… they are very sobering (click here).  And while you are at it, let me back up a few verses and make sure you remain sober:

“Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God.”
(1 Cor 6:9-10)

In some circles, those 2 verses would be considered “hate speech” and definitely redacted in many churches across the globe.  Are we willing to make a stand for the “whole” counsel of the Lord when that day comes?  By the way………….. it’s coming!


One thought before we move on.  First, back to the photo above.  I just happened to be looking outside when I saw that rain cloud at sunset.  It was amazing, especially with the moon on the left of it.  By the way, if you want a refresher why we need the moon, read the first paragraph (  When we see God’s majesty in a scene like that, it’s easy to give thanks always and for everything. 

But what about the photo on the left.  Does that change your perspective?  Do we question God’s Sovereignty?  Is God sitting on the edge of the universe chagrined this particular fire is burning out of control?  As most of you know, there are many fires burning in the west right now.  This photo is from the Tamarack Fire just south of Lake Tahoe taken a couple days ago.  When last checked, only 4% contained.  It was ignited by lightning.  As I have mentioned previously, my son John lives with his family in So. Lake Tahoe and a volunteer with the Douglas County Search & Rescue.  Right now they are assisting police and fire crews with various evacuations.  Check out this 15 second video he took yesterday.

So here is what I am pondering.  Some years ago, R.C. Sproul stated, “there is not one molecule in the universe that is outside of God’s control.”  This fire is only 13 miles south from my son’s condo and hundreds of other homes and structures.  If this fire took a left turn and headed north and burned up my son’s condo along with his neighbor’s homes, can I still give thanks in all circumstances?  Can I have maintain a heart of gratitude?  What are we entitled to in this life?  Is tribulation God’s grace in disguise?  Do these life events increase Godly fear?   Just a thought, you might hit the pause button of your busyness and think about these questions in your own life.  I believe you will also find Walt’s devotional below and Jim Gustafson’s article on “Choosing Fear” timely.

We’re not home yet……… don’t make your visa permanent!

(Gal 2:20) 

Entitlement is the enemy of gratitude.  Hold this devotional close………  Profound! 

Indifference and Ingratitude – Red Book Day 203
“Warnings for a People Not Listening to God”

The purpose of these devotionals is to help you think Biblically
Solomon said, “As a man thinks, so is he”

Men, don’t miss reading Part 2.  You seldom get this type of teaching!

“We fear God because He determines the plight of us all, the things and people we love.

Choosing Fear-Part 2

Click Here or on logo


Men:  Thank you for your prayers.  Yesterday morning Robin Joyce and I were recorded in Scott Herrold’s studio at SOS Radio (Scott on far left).  Robin is a dear brother in Christ that I have known since Promise Keeper days in the 90’s.  He is the point person for his Christian Business Network (CBN) and is promotingWhose Job is the Ministry”  Scott will air a couple of short segments today around 7:35am PST and then the full interview the first full week in August.  Here is the link to the SOS site: SCOTT HERROLD’S PODCAST

While visiting with Scott, I gave him a Blue Book and showed him the “Evangelist vs. Discipler” chart (see attached).  He seemed quite intrigued at year 13 when the disciples overtake those being evangelized.  He circled that part.   We continue to trust God and God only…………….. 


See attached flyer
Please share with the men in your men’s groups and churches.


Men:  This short thought and poem by our Irish brother, Seth Lewis, is really good Click here

Something To Give

Some find ways to smile
And sing in the rain
Some sit in the sunlight
And still complain

Is The New Testament Reliable?
Click Here


Here is a 6 minute video a dear brother sent me on the reliability of the New Testament.  From time to time you will run across guys that bring this question up.  If they are genuinely interested, great, but don’t waste your time with a skeptic.  There are far too many primary targets that want to spend time with you.