DATE: AUGUST 21, 2021 | TIME: 7:00am – 12:00pm
Join Us For a Lite Continental Breakfast at 7:00am | Program Will Start Promptly at 8:00am
Faith Lutheran Performing Arts Center
2015 S Hualapai Way
Las Vegas, NV 89117
This program is FREE to all registrants
Register SOON to insure a seat for this “Life Impacting” program
About This Event
We have been asked, “Why should I attend this event?”
That’s a great question. Here are a couple bullet points that may be helpful:
- Did you know as laymen, the ministry belongs to you?
- According to 1 Peter 2:9, you are a Chosen Race, a Royal Priesthood. Would you like these truths peeled open to greatly encourage your journey to “finish well?”
- God has prepared your unique journey before the foundations of the world. Would you like to know what your purpose is? (Eph 2:10)
- Hear from (3) laymen, guys from different parts of the country, that God is using as Ministers in the Marketplace.
- These men will hopefully give you greater clarity on God’s direction for your life and the resources to help you see your ministry right where you are!
- Note: This conference is also for “retired” men. You will see how vital your ministry is!