DATE: AUGUST 21, 2021 | TIME: 7:00am – 12:00pm

Join Us For a Lite Continental Breakfast at 7:00am | Program Will Start Promptly at 8:00am


Faith Lutheran Performing Arts Center
2015 S Hualapai Way
Las Vegas, NV 89117
This program is FREE to all registrants
Register SOON to insure a seat for this “Life Impacting” program
Hon. William McCurine, Ret.
Retired Federal Magistrate Judge
Chris Martin
Real Estate Business
Trevor McDowell
Express Car Wash Business

About This Event

We have been asked, “Why should I attend this event?”
That’s a great question.  Here are a couple bullet points that may be helpful:
  • Did you know as laymen, the ministry belongs to you?
  • According to 1 Peter 2:9, you are a Chosen Race, a Royal Priesthood. Would you like these truths peeled open to greatly encourage your journey to “finish well?”
  • God has prepared your unique journey before the foundations of the world. Would you like to know what your purpose is? (Eph 2:10)
  • Hear from (3) laymen, guys from different parts of the country, that God is using as Ministers in the Marketplace.
  • These men will hopefully give you greater clarity on God’s direction for your life and the resources to help you see your ministry right where you are!
  • Note: This conference is also for “retired” men. You will see how vital your ministry is!

Whose Job Is The Ministry?
Attend this half-day conference to find out….