Friday Men’s Group 6/30/23

Day of the Christian Martyr – June 29th
Watch the Video

“But I consider my life of no value to me, if only I may finish my course and complete the ministry I have received from the Lord Jesus — the ministry of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.”
(Acts 20:24)

Hi Men: 

Even though you may have been extremely “busy” this week, I pray Jesus consumed you throughout each day.  After all, apart from Him we can do NOTHING!


Yesterday evening I was on a 30 minute live group call with the Voice of the Martyrs.  They gave a chilling report of what Christians are going through in the midst of radical Islam in two of the countries in Africa:  CAR & DRC (Central African Republic and Democratic Republic of the Congo).   These Muslim rebels are indiscriminately butchering Christians (men, women and children) because of their Christian witness.  They also use rape as a vehicle for psychological terror.  While on the call, they wouldn’t go into any detail what these rebels were doing to the children for it is so horrific.  When these Christian people (who have lost EVERYTHING) were asked what they need most, their first answer is always “PRAYER” …… amazing.

Here is a brief testimony from a man living in the Central African Republic (DAR).

Itoro and his family were hiding in their church in the Central African Republic (CAR) when rebels entered the building and killed his wife, two children and brother. In the chaos, Itoro managed to escape, but his family members’ murders continue to replay in his mind until he eventually received help in healing from the trauma. “My thoughts and orientation in life are toward God and the cross of Jesus,” he said. “And in my heart, I have been able to forgive those perpetrators totally I now help other people in the church who have been traumatized.”

Here is a short story from the Jesus Film Project by Paul Eshleman:  (YouTube 3 Mins) 


IN YOUR OWN BACKYARD  (On a lighter note)


Lots going on in the backyard.  You may remember Leo’s testimony (E², well he recommend his brother-in-law, Carlos, for a painting job that needed to be done.  Our hayshed hadn’t been painted in over 30 years so Carlos was the man!  It was a delight to spend time with him over the last (4) days.  He is a believer and is also from Guatemala.  In his broken English, he would tell me how much he loved Jesus and point to his heart.  It appeared to be very tender and sincere.  I gave him a stack of various tracts in Spanish and he was super grateful.  He had his nephew assisting him and was going to use the “Are You a Good Person” track with him. 

My twin grandsons played on the sand pile (nothing better than wet sand) as I watched Carlos work on the hayshed.  It is such a blessing to have this opportunity in person to pray for God’s will in the life of my (2) grandsons as we do some serious excavating on the hill 😊

Have a great 4th of July! 

Keep Looking Up!
(Gal 2:20)

Why are the following statements (and devotionals) so hard for men to embrace?

“People argue that some of the biblical commands are cultural; they apply to the culture of that day, but not to ours. If this is true, then you must answer two questions: 1) Who decides which commandments are cultural and which are not? Warning: your answer will always be subjective, and ultimately based on today’s culture rather than the culture of the Bible. 2) If the commandments are cultural, then are not the promises also cultural? Logically, you cannot conclude one group is cultural and the other not. And if the promises are cultural, you lose all hope of heaven.” Walter A. Henrichsen (“Walt”) 

Those who say that they look forward to retirement testify that they have lost their purpose for living here on earth. God did not give you your life to spend as you see fit. Paul teaches that it is unthinkable that one for whom Christ died should live for himself. The desire to retire is an expression of despair. It means that you have lost your rudder and do not know why you are here or where you are going. 

Men:  Please ask the Holy Spirit to assist you with these (2) devotionals…….

Love Grown Cold – Day 179 Red Book & The Desire to Retire – Day 178 Blue Book 
The purpose of these devotionals is to help you think Biblically 

Solomon said, “As a man thinks, so is he”


Jesus and the Rich Young Ruler

Jesus, in His response to the man was telling him that He wanted undivided commitment, meaning everything, every aspect of the man’s life. Jesus wants this of you and me too.

Please read below and the attached PDF of “Jesus and the Young Rich Ruler.”

From: R12.2 Blogs
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2023 2:24 PM
To: R122Blogs
Subject: R12.2 June 2023 Blog – Jesus and the Rich Young Ruler

Dear Friends,

This month we’re exploring Jesus’s encounter with the rich young ruler in chapter 18 of Luke’s Gospel. Specifically, we will consider how Jesus answers the man’s question, “Good Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life.” (Luke 18:18). The exchange is, excuse the pun, rich in content and in application. The material is timely and appropriate, especially given our manner of living in the west.

Remember, if you feel led to write a future blog, please contact Arthur Corbin ( or Chris Strippelhoff (

Good reading and good life.

In His name,
Arthur, Bob, Chris, and Steve

Men:   Never forget who you are!

“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light”
(1 Peter 2:9)

“A Christian’s true identity is displaced when he is taught that church leaders (clergy) are the only real priests. This theology purports that the clergy are the activists in ministry and that laypeople are only there to offer support from the sidelines. The result is a loss of identity, and a loss of direction and purpose in life. Every believer needs to be able to articulate who he is , why he is here, and what he is supposed to be doing during his short time on earth.”
Dave Dawson – Priesthood of Every Believer


I thought this short video by The John 10:10 Project was very good 
(YouTube 6 Mins)