The Bones of a Cosmic Hand
“Cast your burden upon the Lord and He will sustain you;
He will never allow the righteous to be shaken.”
(Psalm 55:22)
Hi Men:
I guess I could refer to the last lines in Red Book devotional below,
“Because God lives in the believer he can perpetually abide in Christ and Christ in him,
resulting in his having perpetual fellowship with his God now and throughout eternity.”
Does it get any better than that! Ask God to reveal this Truth to a deeper level as you deny yourself, take up your cross daily and follow Jesus!
Cosmic Hand & Trick or Treat
I will let you guys read up on the Cosmic Hand yourself, if interested. There’s even a short 45 second YouTube as you scroll down Click Here. I thought it was fascinating that this image was officially posted on Halloween.
Trick or Treat: I had more fun this year on Halloween than I can ever remember. I ordered the Halloween Outreach Kit from Even though we don’t have many trick or treaters, the ones that did come to the door had to collect some pretty cool items before they got their candy bar.
You can see the (2) Million Dollar Bills and they both start out on the back, “Will you go to heaven when you die?” Good question, huh?
Then you have the tract, “Hey Kids! I’m Albert Brainstein.” It starts out, “Let’s see if you can memorize the TEN COMMANDMENTS.”
Then my favorite, the Curved Illusion card for the kids. They loved these. They look different sizes, but are the same. It too has a message on the back They ALL wanted these items in their bags.
The parents weren’t far off, so they also heard the whole conversation. I even threw them a Payday bar 🎃
Who knew Halloween could be so fun for an old guy!!
Ok, now let’s ponder the stuff below to help keep your eyes on eternity and not on the world. Remember, “Set your minds on the things above, not on things that are on the earth.” (Colossians 3:2)
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Please Register.
We have to give a count to Springhill Suites
Thank you men!
Zion Boot Camp 2023
We covet your prayers for Zion
“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.
Therefore, pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.” — Jesus —
(Gal 2:20)
Men: Sometimes I think we take this for granted. Take your time and reflect on the fact that we can have a “relationship” with the God who created the Universe and everything in it. What we need to do daily is so aptly laid out in this wonderful hymn:
… Turn your eyes upon Jesus
Look full in his wonderful face
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
In the light of his glory and grace…
Hear this song performed by Alan Jackson (YouTube 4 Mins)
A Relationship with the Creator – Red Book Day 308
The purpose of these devotionals is to help you think Biblically
Solomon said, “As a man thinks, so is he”
While I’m on a roll, here are two more that need serious review:
Why Is It Hard for Rich People to Get to Heaven? & Making Enemies – Day 310 & 311 Red Book
The purpose of these devotionals is to help you think Biblically
Solomon said, “As a man thinks, so is he”
“For who makes you so superior? What do you have that you did not receive?
And if you did receive it, why do you boast as though you did not?” (1 Cor 4:7)
The Problem of Evil
This message was given back in 2007. I just listened to is again. Probably one of the best messages on this subject……. And what a great time to listen to it.
If you haven’t listened to it, please bookmark it and listen to it over this weekend.
Here is the link (YouTube 1 hr 4 mins)
NOTE: Send it to a friend that is struggling with all the evil taking place.
“Our God is in the heavens, He does whatever He pleases.”
(Psalm 115:3)
Baptism Day!
A son walking out into a cold Idaho lake to be baptized by his own dad…..
Do you think his son will ever forget this day?
This is a must read for all dads and granddad’s (and of course mom’s and grandma’s). One of the brothers passed this to me from the Family Research Council and I’m so glad he did. I follow George Barna’s research and he is spot on. My buddy in the photo above spends time discipling his children. That should come first, then you have the command to start discipling others. Remember: While your children are in your care, they are recording everything they hear and see. Then……… when they step out into the world, they push playback, and that’s how they live their lives. Question: What are your children currently recording?
Barna: Kid’s Will Be What They See
Click Here for Article
[Excerpt from article]
“Between 15 to 18 months of age is when most children start forming their worldview,” explained Barna on Washington Watch. “By the age of 13, it’s almost completely in place.”
Just because parents aren’t consciously building their children’s worldview doesn’t mean one isn’t forming. “A child needs a worldview, so if we don’t help them develop it, somebody else will.” Barna’s research found “four major influences on worldview“: public schools, media, arts and entertainment, and “the laws of the land… because that’s what teaches us right from wrong partly.”
Songs of Suffering
By Joni Eareckson Tadac
I am reading (slowly) through her book, Songs of Suffering, and reflecting on the hymns that get her through those many difficult days and nights. I love her comment where she says these hymns “now comprise the musical score of my life.” She goes on to say, “There are far better anthems for our lives than frivolous songs that cater to the flesh, dull the spirit, or dig up tarnished memories and old regrets. Why give the precious real estate of my brain cells to the things that weigh my spirit down rather than elevate it?” Boy did that comment resonate with me……..
The hymn, Be Still My Soul, by Katherina von Schlegel (1752), reads:
“Be still, my soul! for God is on your side;
Bear patiently the cross of grief and pain:
Leave to your God to order and provide,
Who through all changes faithful will remain.
Be still, my soul! your best, your heavenly Friend
Through thorny ways leads to a joyful end.”
In 2020 both she and her husband contracted COVID-19. She said, “It felt like a death sentence for me, a quadriplegic. With chills and high fever I lay flat in bed nervous and a little fearful. The tightness and gurgling in my bronchial passages made me feel claustrophobic, for I was not able to raise myself on my elbows to cough. COVID was like an invisible hand pressing an invisible pillow over my face. It was far worse at night.” Then she goes on to say, “And at 2:00 AM in the dark, I knew it was God’s virus. His Providence permitted it to invade my body. It wasn’t a random circumstance. It was God’s doing. And God was on my side. It gave me confidence to whisper-sing the same hymn that had comforted me decades earlier when I was a frightened teenager in the hospital, facing a life of paralysis.”
Joni has an intimate understanding that the love of our God is supreme and matchless. And even though we are afflicted in every way, we are not crushed. All this has helped her build monumental trust in Jesus Christ!
On a lighter note………..
Men: This was so amazing to watch.
The honeycomb, a masterpiece of design.
Follow this link to The John 10:10 Project
You will like this short YouTube 8 minute video.
God and God only………Astonishing!
When You Long to Know the “Why” Behind Your Sorrow
By Tim Challies
Men: Tim Challies did a good job with this article. As some of you might know, (3) years ago today, he suddenly lost his 20 year old son. Tim has been acquainted with sorrow.
In your own life, as you set aside “why did God do this?” you free yourself to ask, “How may God wish for me to use this in a way that brings him glory and shows love to my neighbor?”
Follow this link to the article