Zion Boot Camp
Photo from the Watchman Trail
Hi Men:
NOTE: If the format seems different, you’re right. Google once again blocked most all of the Gmail addresses. We even initiated SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records to authenticate that our emails are not spam. Evidently, the Google Bot doesn’t believe us and come to find out, in 2024, Google will have even more restrictions.
You can imagine, this has been quite frustrating and time-consuming, yet God is faithful. My son John suggested using a marketing platform (similar to MailChimp or Constant Contact) and assisted me in setting one up. Bear with me as I attempt my hand with this new method. There are many features I am still learning (as with many things, especially scripture, I continue to pray that I’m always TEACHABLE)
I pray Christ has been your “All in All” this week.
Due to the fact that I didn’t have the time to construct a new Friday Letter, I will place a few new items in this one to mainly get the experience, but for those of you that missed last week’s Friday Men’s Group 11/3/23, especially if you are utilizing Gmail, just click on this link and it will take you to the website where it has been uploaded:
Have a Blessed Veteran’s Day,
(Gal 2:20)
Men: Never assume you know the ways of God
What Happened to Peter – Red Book Day 314
The purpose of these devotionals is to help you think Biblically
Solomon said, “As a man thinks, so is he”
1 Matthew 6:17
Men: This was a great article I meant to send out several month back. I think we can all relate to some, if not all of the 5 points………
5 Resolutions for the Weary and Worn Out
There is a certain weariness that comes in the summer, when we suddenly realize half the year has flown by and things aren’t better than it was in January—or have gotten worse. Maybe your relationships need work, and you’ve found yourself fighting with family and friends. Maybe there’s trouble at home and brokenness in your family. Maybe you’re tired of running the Christian race and your spiritual life has grown stale.
But perhaps we can take a cue from the tradition of new year’s resolutions and make ones that can help us during this middle part of the year. Through the power of the gospel, we can find hope and strength to continue. Here are five resolutions for when you’re feeling weary and worn out by the world.
1. Reject the idea that the Christian life is easy.
Realize that we’re in a spiritual war. The Devil prowls around like a roaring lion seeking to devour you. Satan wants to sift you like wheat. Sin is always crouching at your doorstep, seeking to take you down. The world will hate and persecute you — just like it did to Jesus. Understand that sanctification is a strenuous process all by itself. We are to go to extremes to eliminate sin in our lives. We are to be constantly dying to ourselves. Reject the idea that the Christian life is easy.
2. Remember and trust the promises of God.
Read and rest in these promises:
• “If you should suffer for righteousness’ sake, you will be blessed” (1 Peter 3:14). God sees you in your suffering, for “when you do good and suffer for it you endure, this is a gracious thing in the sight of God” (1 Peter 2:20).
• “For it is better to suffer for doing good, if that should be God’s will, than for doing evil” (1 Peter 3:17). You remain in God’s will even when you suffer.
• “Therefore let those who suffer according to God’s will entrust their souls to a faithful Creator while doing good” (1 Peter 4:19). You can place your trust in God because he is always with you.
3. Rejoice in suffering.
God cares about the pain in this world, and that means God cares about your suffering. We don’t always know the purposes and plans that God has through suffering, but we do know that suffering is for showing his glory.
The Bible says that “If we are children of God, then we are also his heirs—heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him.” (Romans 8:17). The link between suffering and glory is undeniable, but it also means that we can rejoice in it. We can live in this world as sojourners who are sorrowful, yet always rejoicing (2 Corinthians 6:10).
4. Readily share the Gospel.
We shouldn’t just sit still in our suffering. We use it as a reason to readily share the Gospel. Think about Paul and Silas in prison, worshiping and witnessing in a worst-case scenario. They were “prepared to make a defense to anyone” who asked about their hope (1 Peter 3:15). Think about Jesus on trial and continuing to speak the truth about himself even to a thief on the cross. May we be “not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek” (Romans 1:16).
5. Root your hope with God in Heaven.
If you’re experiencing brokenness in your family or in your homes, root your hope with God in Heaven. If sickness and death have cast a dark shadow this season, root your hope with God in Heaven.
God loves you. Jesus cares for you. The Holy Spirit is with you. The Church is here to help you. And when we are home in Heaven, he will wipe away every tear from our eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away (Revelation 21:4).
Men: A dear brother sent me this story. It’s such an encouragement
The Frank Jenner Story
Men: I’ll end with this quote. I hope the small print is readable. Thanks for bearing with me on this new format…… I am still trying to figure it out.