Friday Men’s Group 10/9/20

"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.” (Matt 7:13)

[Road to Valley of Fire – 50 miles NE of Las Vegas]

Hi Men:

 Many years ago Walt Henrichsen gave me a wonderful piece of advice that I never forgot.  He said, “Dan, as we get older we have a tendency to become unteachable.  Pray that God will always allow you to have a teachable spirit.”  Trust me, I know what it’s like to get set in my ways and quietly think I have it totally figured out.  My mind is made up, so don’t confuse me with the facts!   I might even try to strongly persuade what I believe to others.  But we learn quickly, that seldom if ever works.  Remember what Dale Carnegie said:

 “A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still”

 I was at the dentist the other day.  After my appointment and settling the bill, I got talking to the front desk gal.  It was a quiet morning.  I knew from previous visits she is a Christian.  Not sure how we got on the subject, but we started talking about God being 100% in control of everything….. car accidents, hurricanes, forest fires, floods, earthquakes, the twin towers on 9/11, etc.  Unbeknownst to me the office manager, a devout Mormon, was listening, rolled her chair over and became engaged.  The women brought up politics, which I try to avoid like the plague, but I quickly pulled up my phone and went to Romans 13:1-2The Mormon gal was visibly affected and wrote those verses down on a piece of paper.  She was interested and appeared to be teachable.  As Walt taught so many of us, our objective as a follower of Christ is to filter the input of life through the grid of the Bible.  Let’s strive to be teachable, a learner and then apply it.  Yet, let us avoid …. “always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth” (2 Timothy 3:7)

I saved what one of the older brothers wrote to me when he was in his late 70’s.  This is what he said a few years back:

 Brother Dan,

As I was reading through Walt today I wanted to thank you again for reintroducing me to his devotions. Sometime in the past in my immaturity, which still haunts me today, and I still have a LONG WAY to go….I thought Walt as “radical” and “over the top” with his theology. It was me not able to take the “big meat” yet by living one foot in heaven and the other in the world.

However, today I like Paul see myself as “not yet attained” and struggle with past weakness. So His grace is what sustains me!

This brother would admit that for years, he was not teachable in the deeper and more challenging areas of the Bible.  And please note he studied the Bible with great intensity, facilitated numerous Bible studies and had memorized hundreds of verses.  Let us plead with the Lord to always remain teachable and to stay on that narrow road, “For the gate is small and the road is narrow that leads to life, and only a few find it.”  (Matthew 7:14).  “Only a Few”……….. brothers, those words terrify me!

“Only one life, ‘twill soon be past,
Only what’s done for Christ will last.”
C.T. Studd (1860-1931)

The Zion Boot Camp is really shaping up.  We are looking for A Few Good Men  that desire to travel down that difficult narrow road and ready to hear Jesus words when He said, “….If anyone wants to come after Me, he must deny himself, take up his cross daily and follow Me.”   These are the words that lead to eternal life………  Men, don’t miss this “Boot Camp.” 

[Photo:  Zion 2011 – Keep our brother Tom Cameron in your prayers.  Tom will be surgically fitted with a heart pump this coming Tuesday]

ZION 2020 – Dec 4-6

We have limited space so please sign-up
To register, click the link below:

Are you Teachable? – Red Book Day 282
“One of the marks of old age is the lack of a teachable heart.
If you are not teachable now, you probably will not be as you grow old.”
(From Day 366 – Red Book)

Audio Teaching of the Week:

 ARE WE TEACHABLE? – By Walt Henrichsen – 34 minutes  (Grab your notebook for this one!)
We all need hear this message….. more than once!

Postscript – Ravi Zacharias:    I have received a number of emails since I posted the painful investigation and articles in my last week’s Friday letter.  Here is a note from CT (Christianity Today) that posted last week you may find helpful:

Without ads:

 Question:  What do we learn from these disturbing events?  Is there any accountability in the church today?  A pastor send me this book a few years back:  “Killing the Church – The Failure to Confront” by Dr. Jeff Parker.  Both of us agreed there is “very” little Biblical confrontation these days.  You might want to read Day 223 on Confrontation (See Attached).   Men, when you were reading the reports about Ravi Zacharias, did Galatians 5:19-21 or Matthew 7:21-23 come to mind?  I shudder to even contemplate……..

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