NASA Combines Images From JWST and Chandra X-ray Observatory
“By faith, we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command
so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.”
Hebrews 11:3
Hi Men:
I pray you had a great week “in” Christ and a reflective Memorial Day. I thought about when we took a group of Boy Scouts to the 2005 National Scout Jamboree at Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia. Right before the Jamboree started, we toured Wash D.C. It was a sober moment for all the boys when we visited the Vietnam Veterans Memorial and Arlington Cemetery. They saw clearly the price that was paid for the freedom we enjoy.
Here’s a photo of the boys standing next to a fallen soldier at Arlington
These were wonderful teaching moments for all the boys. When we had Sunday services it gave us the opportunity to also share the Ultimate Price Paid when Jesus willingly went to the Cross and “desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” (1 Timothy 2:4)
NASA – NEW STUNNING PHOTOS (YouTube 45 seconds)
Many of you may have seen these already, but just a week ago, NASA released these amazing photos. Why are they so different? It’s because the images were combined with data from the Chandra X-rays (high energy light) and the James Webb Space Telescope (infrared light). Also, data from the Hubble was incorporated. Here is a snapshot description of each photo, starting with the top left and going clockwise:
- NGC 346 is a star cluster (Small Magellanic Cloud) in a galaxy 200,000 light-years from Earth
- NGC 1672 is a spiral galaxy (Barred Galaxy) about 60 million light-years from Earth
- Messier 16 (M16) is a nebula (Pillars of Creation) roughly 6,500 light-years away from Earth
- Messier 74 (M74) is a spiral galaxy (Phantom Galaxy), but it’s 32 million light-years from Earth
(Here is more information if interested)
I have been reflecting on this verse for several weeks from Isaiah 55:6,
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.”
Think about it for a moment. If we pictured in our mind that heaven was as far off as the spiral galaxy (60 million light-years), then God’s ways and thoughts are infinitesimally higher than our puny ways and thoughts………… yet we think we know better as the body of Christ today makes a mockery of His commands and down-plays sin like it’s no big deal. Check out this verse from Jeremiah 6:16,
Thus says the Lord, “Stand by the ways and see and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is, and walk in it; and you will find rest for your souls. But they said, ‘We will not walk in it.’”
So-called Christians have stumbled off the ancient highways and now walk in muddy paths. On THAT DAY where “each one of us will have to give a personal account of himself to God”……..(Rom 14:12) Well………that will be one terrifying day indeed!
I was at Home Depot this week waiting in line and a cashier nearby called me over since he had no one at the moment. He was extremely friendly and after I paid, I was still the only guy at his station, so I started visiting with him and showed him the various tracts I had. He goes to a church I am familiar with and was SO EXCITED to have these resources. I think I might have an inside compadre that we can now come up with a game plan. God knows what might happen. Men: Let’s commit to be faithful to the opportunities He puts right in front of us!
This IS in my backyard………..
My son Mark and family arrive later this morning from North Carolina. He’s bringing our (4) grandchildren. Just today, I got the sand pile somewhat organized and a shade erected. I’m hoping I can keep these kids busy for a decent amount of time. I will keep you posted
. Jane and I covet your prayers for enduring strength.
Much Love in Jesus,
(Gal 2:20)
Two quotes from the devotionals below, “Remember, your willingness to faithfully proclaim the good news is evidence that you are one of the elect” and “When God brings circumstances into your life not to your liking (and you can be confident that He will), do not question His goodness.”
Guys, do you believe this? Read on………….
God’s Elect & Why Do the Godly Suffer? – Red Book Day 153 & 155
The purpose of these devotionals is to help you think Biblically
Solomon said, “As a man thinks, so is he
Important Review:
Significance is to be found only in giving your life in exchange for that which Jesus gave His life: People!
Men: The following link was a message by Walt on the Lordship of Jesus Christ. He made five major points from Chapter 12 of Ecclesiastes. Here is the link to the message and the Five Principles:
Audio of the Week, The Five Principles
Ground Rules for Living – – – – – from Ecclesiastes
1) Mortality is 100%. Life at best is brief
2) The work of man’s hand is Vanity
3) For reasons all of his own, God has declared man to be of worth
4) Significance is to be found in giving your life in exchange for that which God gave his life
(Note: if you save your life you will lose it. Happiness is found in giving your life to people and not things)
5) For good or for bad, for the Christian and the non-Christian alike, how we perform on earth will appreciably affect how we spend eternity
Your spiritual field sobriety test!
Will you PASS or FAIL?
There are brothers all around the world who willingly put their life in jeopardy for the sake of sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ
Abdiwelli Ahmed very well knew he could die for Christ. So here’s the question:
“Tell me again why you are reluctant to share Christ with the plumber that comes over to unclog your sink?”
Thought Provoking! A brother on the east coast send me this.
Atheist shocks Christian with what he says
(YouTube 1 min.)
Always Count the Cost
by Tim Challies

Great article that Challies put together with teachings by J.C. Ryle.
“A Christian should be willing to give up anything which stands between him and heaven. A religion that costs nothing is worth nothing! A cheap Christianity, without a cross, will prove in the end a useless Christianity, without a crown.”
There are at least four costs to being a Christian—costs that we do not pay once, but over the whole course of our Christian lives.
- First, it costs our self-righteousness
- Second, it costs our sins
- Third, it costs our love of ease
- Fourth, it costs the world’s favor
Please read the entire article
…if you are a genuine Christian, you want to do what is right even when there is much in you that would prefer to go another way. You want to please Christ, you want to identify with him, you want to speak boldly for him, you want to be aligned with him, even if all these choices are costly. You decide to make choices that cost you something. You trust Christ in the midst of illness and disappointment; you resolve to press on with faith and obedience and gratitude even when you watch friends die, when life’s disappointments and hurts pile up. In short, those who have suffered in the flesh have made a break with sin…..
-D.A. Carson
Men: This quote by A.W. Pink is worth your serious contemplation…………
What the heck……… one more!
Jonathan Edwards couldn’t have said it better!