Friday Men’s Group 4/7/23

“Why do you seek the living among the dead?
He is not here, but has risen.”

  Luke 24: (YouTube – Only 55 Seconds)

Hi Men:

I pray this week of all weeks, if you haven’t done so already, that you would petition the Lord that you not only want to live a life for Him, but “in” Him….. He increases and we decrease, He lives and we die!   

Question?  Today on this Good Friday, we are reminded that it cost Jesus everything  …….  then why would we expect it to be any different for us?  I have been reading a book my wife gave me titled, “It Will Cost You Everything.”  Check out these (2) short paragraphs: 

What the Journey Costs

Following Jesus is a lifelong journey that comes at a high price. This is not a relationship to be entered into lightly. This decision requires the commitment of your entire life to Him. Coming to Christ demands the highest priority over every other aspect of your life. It necessitates the submission of your will to His lordship. This path requires your sacrifice and even your willingness to suffer for him.

To be sure, Jesus will not follow youyou are called to follow Him. Following Christ will cost you much. It will cost you your old way of life and forfeiting your past sins. It will cost you a life of ease and living for this world. It will cost you old habits and old associations. It will cost you following your own agenda for your own life. It will cost you time and treasure. It will cost you suffering for being identified with Him. It will cost you opposition and persecution from the world. It may even cost you your life. But in the end, you gain far more then you lose.

Where are YOU in this spiritual journey with Jesus Christ?

May our Precious Lord give you divine insight into His life this weekend. 
Have a Blessed Easter!

Dying to Live,
(Gal 2:20)




What are your thoughts after reading this sentence?

You do not thank God for your pain, opposition, and humiliation; you thank Him for loving you so much that He is willing to afflict you with them.

And how does this one sit with you?

God does not want man to solve his problems; rather He wants man’s problems to drive him to Jesus for His grace, forgiveness, and salvation.

Note……  Remember what we state every week………  The purpose of these devotionals is to help you think Biblically

The Ways of God & Tolerating Poverty – Red Book Day 98-99
The purpose of these devotionals is to help you think Biblically

Solomon said, “As a man thinks, so is he

Why the Year After Her Cancer Diagnosis Was the Best Year of Nanci’s Life

Men:  Read this touching and profound note by Randy Alcorn about his wife Nanci.

“Whether suffering brings us to Christlikeness depends, to some degree, upon our willingness to submit to God and trust Him and draw our strength from Him.”



I just had to include this great message again by S.M. Lockridge on Good Friday!

It’s Friday………. But Sunday’s Coming

I have sent this out before, one of those you never get tired of listening to that will impact you on this Good Friday.  It was an Easter meditation by S.M. Lockridge (1913-2000), pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, a prominent African-American congregation located in San Diego from 1953 to 1993.  Here is the link for the 3.5 min YouTube of part of his sermon with visuals added later:  Sunday’s Coming



Men:  Check out how the Puritans prayed in their trials!   Somewhat goes with Day 98 above………

To Be Fit For God



Day and night are thine,
        heaven and earth declare thy glory;
  but I, a creature of thy power and bounty,
    have sinned against thee by resisting
      the dictates of conscience,
      the demands of thy law,
      the calls of thy gospel;
  yet I live under the dispensation of a given hope.
Deliver me from worldly dispositions,
  for I am born from above and bound for glory.
May I view and long after holiness
  as the beauty and dignity of the soul.
Let me never slumber, never lose my assurance,
  never fail to wear armour when passing through
    enemy land.
Fit me for every scene and circumstance;
Stay my mind upon thee and turn my trials
    to blessings,
  that they may draw out my gratitude and praise
  as I see their design and effects.
Render my obedience to thy will holy, natural,
    and delightful.
Rectify all my principles by clear, consistent,
    and influential views of divine truth.
Let me never undervalue or neglect any part
    of thy revealed will.
May I duly regard the doctrine and practice
    of the gospel,
  prizing its commands as well as its promises.
Sanctify me in every relation, office, transaction
    and condition of life,
  that if I prosper I may not be unduly exalted,
  if I suffer I may not be over-sorrowful.
Balance my mind in all varying circumstances
  and help me to cultivate a disposition
  that renders every duty a spiritual privilege.
Thus may I be content,
  be a glory to thee
  and an example to others.



“He Shall Reign Forever and Ever”

Did you know that Handel’s Messiah was actually written for Easter and not Christmas.
Here is the Hallelujah Chorus again…… so good!
(YouTube 3min 47sec)
A great way to roll into this wonderful weekend………..




Well, has it?