Friday Men’s Group 12/15/23


Saturday Afternoon 12/9/23

Hi Men:

Just ponder for a moment, in just 10 short days we will again celebrate the day the God of the Universe invaded this tiny “Pale Blue Dot” sitting in the Milky Way Galaxy. This new born infant would fulfill prophecy and become the visible image of the invisible God….. the firstborn of all creation (Col 1:15). He would become the perfect sinless sacrifice to redeem and restore the fallen sinful nature of mankind. He is the ONLY mediator between God and man (1 Tim 2:5) and ONLY for those who confess with their mouth that He is Lord and believe in their heart that God raised Him from the dead (Rom 10:9). For those that have died to self and made Him their reason for living, they will hear on That Day, “Well done good and faithful slave…. enter into the joy of your Master.” (Matt 25:23).

His name is JESUS CHRIST



I don’t even know where to begin, so I guess I’ll start with the photo above. It was taken by our brother James Hsia of Houston, TX. He was on one of the hiking trails in Zion Saturday afternoon and captured this most remarkable photo. Thanks James…… amazing!

Every year we try to get a group photo of the guys. Here was the shot taken on Saturday morning. As you might notice, the weather turned out to be great – crisp, but great hiking weather.


This year we were able to combine our conference area and lodging in one location: SpringHill Suites – Zion. It was a great blessing and the men really took care of the staff at the hotel. Actually, the staff were blown away by their generosity! Below is our conference area during our Friday evening session.

“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15

Below is our main speaker panel as they took questions from the men on Sunday morning. Interesting facts: These five men represent a total of almost 275 years of marriage with their wives. They faithfully conduct Bible sturdies and to this day, disciple scores of men.

It was a great morning as they were fielding many questions. I might add, that soon we will have all the recordings of the weekend available to all of you. Including several short talks. Let me give you the names of our main speakers and the titles of their talks. From left to right:

  • Jerry Bangert (Tucson AZ) – The End of Christendom
  • Bill McCurine (San Diego CA) – HELL
  • Winston Parker (Jacksonville FL) – Living Life
  • Lee Yih (Walnut CA)- Parable of the 2 Debtors
  • John Hartshorn (Dacono CO) – Another Important Question

Keep an eye out in future letters when we have all the talks uploaded. You will be blessed greatly as you listen to them and take notes.

Amazed by His grace and mercy,
(Gal 2:20)

Here is one more photo by Luke Rice. He took this just before dawn at Zion. Notice the Moon with Venus above right. Nice job Luke!

“My soul, wait in silence for God only,
For my hope is from Him.” (Psalm 62:5)


Make sure you read this devotional. Would you, “Volunteer to be used by God in any way He wishes?” Would you, “Surrender any right to determine how He will do it?”

Volunteering to Be Used – Red Book Day 352

The purpose of these devotionals is to help you think Biblically

Solomon said, “As a man thinks, so is he”

Nickajack Cave Tennessee
The Day that Johnny Cash Survived Death and Found God


Remember the Neversink Cave in Alabama that was in a previous Friday Letter? One of the brothers sent me a MUST READ article how Johnny Cash was going to end his life in a cave in Tennessee. I had never heard this story. I verified it with another source. It appears to be quite accurate. You Can Read It Here

NFR – National Finals Rodeo 
Wednesday, Dec 13th – Military Night

I attended the NFR 2 nights ago with my (2) older brother, both Vietnam Veterans (USAF and USMC). It was great to be with them. The reason I mention all this, is because the opening prayer was so profound. Toward the end of the prayer, he clearly recognized our only source of salvation is through the Person of Jesus Christ. How rare to attend a venue like this and hear such a bold statement concerning our Savior Jesus Christ! 

So Encouraging……

Here I am with my (2) brothers, Pat (middle) & Mike (left) 


Men: This was really disturbing!

I received this email a few days ago, sent out by the Supreme Knight, Patrick Kelly. As many of you know from my previous Friday Letters, the Knights of Columbus (KofC), is the largest fraternal men’s order of the Catholic Church. They have close to 2 million members and are recognized by the Pope and the Romans Catholic Church worldwide.

Before I go into the various points of concern regarding Our Lady of Guadalupe, I would encourage you to listen to the video below, produced by the KofC and draw your own conclusions. We will then revisit the statements in the video next week.

Here are just a couple disturbing points from the video:

[3 min 21 sec] “The Virgin is the true tabernacle of Jesus Christ”

[4 min 58 sec] “She is the Eucharistic Woman……. she puts Jesus into the heart of every human being”

[8 min 04 sec] “The Virgin of Guadalupe, teaches us to recognize Christ where He is hidden, as He is hidden in her womb.”

None of this can be found in the Bible. Pray that the Truth of Christ, as revealed in the Scriptures, would prevail. Especially among the people in Mexico.

[Here is the letter from the Supreme Knight]

Dear Brother Knights,

Feliz dia de Santa María de Guadalupe – happy feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe!

For us as Knights of Columbus this great Marian feast is especially significant. Our entire Order is dedicated to Our Lady of Guadalupe — a consecration I repeated this past February. 

492 years ago, on Tepeyac Hill in Mexico City, Our Lady reassured St. Juan Diego: “Am I not here, I who am your Mother?”

As patroness of our Order, we Knights celebrate Our Lady of Guadalupe as our own mother. What a consolation to us, in a world so full of noise, to know that the Mother of God is our Mother, too. It’s a message that we can — and will — continue to spread, especially as we move toward the 500th Anniversary of Our Lady’s appearance in 2031.

Over the years, we have developed many resources to help Knights deepen their own devotion to Our Lady and to share her message of love with the whole world. I invite you to explore them, below.

As we attempt to cut through the chaos and prepare for the coming of the Lord at Christmas, let us call upon Our Lady of Guadalupe, as our mother, to pray for us.

¡Viva Cristo Rey y Santa María de Guadalupe!

Patrick E. Kelly
Supreme Knight


[Here is the video]

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