“Go to the ant, O sluggard, observe her ways and be wise.”
(Proverbs 6:6)
Hi Men:
Before I begin, I think it would be best if I explained the above photo so no one freaks out if you haven’t seen it. I just couldn’t resist with Halloween and trick or treaters just around the corner. I believe most of you may have seen this photomicrography image that was picked up by various news agencies. As many of you know, I love ants! This is indeed a real photograph of a cropped closeup of a harmless carpenter ant – camponotus (photo at left), taken by Lithuanian photographer Eugenijus Kavaliauskas. It was a runner-up as an “Image of Distinction” in Nikon’s 2022 Photomicrography Competition. I placed the winning image of an embryonic hand of a Madagascargiant day gecko in the Friday letter a couple weeks back: E²
You can check out the full list of winners and runners up in the Nikon Small World gallery here.
Ok, now that I have that out of the way, I pray you all have had a great week “in” the Lord. With all the things leading up to Zion, I would have missed this insert of daily scripture by Ken Boa, if it wasn’t for a dear brother that shared it with me. Over the weekend I would encourage all of you to reflect on these verses. Each one is amazing and profound. By the way, if you wish to subscribe to Ken Boa’s daily email, click here:
Here they are……………
Paul’s important expression “in Christ” and its equivalent (“in Him”) appears more often in Ephesians (thirty-five times) than in any other New Testament book. The “in Christ” relationship that is available to every believer is rich and multifaceted: We have received every spiritual blessing in Christ (1:3); we were chosen in Christ (1:4, 11); we were adopted as God’s children in Christ (1:5); we have redemption in Christ (1:7); our hope is in Christ (1:12); we were sealed in Christ (1:13); we were made alive in Christ (2:5); we were raised up with Christ and seated with Him in the heavenly realms (2:6); we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works (2:10); we are joined together in Christ (2:21); we are sharers together in the promise in Christ Jesus (3:6); we can approach God with freedom and confidence in Christ (3:12); and we are called to strengthen ourselves in Christ’s mighty power (6:10).
Grateful for His undeserved Grace,
(Galatians 2:20)
If you are planning on attending Zion, please register.
Thank you men!
Zion Boot Camp 2022

We covet your prayers for Zion
“God balances election with human choice, even though the two are mutually exclusive”
If you don’t have a handle on the Doctrine of Election, I encourage you to make that a priority!
The Meaning and Importance of Election – Day 301 Red Book
The purpose of these devotionals is to help you think Biblically
Solomon said, “As a man thinks, so is he”
Luther: The Life and Legacy of the German Reformer
More than five hundred years ago, Martin Luther nailed his Ninety-Five Theses to the Castle Church door in Wittenberg. Little did he know how the Lord would use him to ignite a movement that would change the world.
Men: If you haven’t seen this movie produced by Ligonier Ministries, I highly recommend watching it with your family. It is well done! It truly gives you a sense of the time in which he lived.
You can watch it (2) ways for free (1 ½ Hours):
The Valley of Vision – Deliverance
Redemption and Reconciliation
Only 2+ minutes. Powerful!
“Sin has: forfeited thy favor, stripped me of thy image, banished me from thy presence, exposed me to the curse of thy law…….”
Too Old to Covet?
By: Andy Farmer
As Thomas Watson once said, “Satan loves to fish in the troubled waters of a discontented heart.”
Wow, such a powerful statement by the Puritan, Thomas Watson (1620-1686)
Here is just one example relating to Thomas Watson’s above statement when our son, with his family, moved to do ministry in Mexico. I would find myself coveting my friends that had extended families living in the same area. Read this short article and see how you answer the (2) questions posed by Andy Farmer.
See attached PDF or the follow this link
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How Not To Become a Celebrity Pastor
by Michael J. Kruger
The attached PDF article is a nice follow-up to the above article
on the Tenth Commandment “Thou Shall Not Covet”
I like where Michael Kruger states:
“The sure sign of a heart that leans toward “celebrity” culture is a heart that cannot bear the success of others.”
Remember, It doesn’t have to be large church for a pastor get caught up in this celebrity status. I personally think caution is advised if a pastor stands at the exit after the service and hears, “Pastor, your sermon was wonderful……” etc. You hear that long enough, you might just start believing it. That situation can be called: “The Glorification of the Worm Ceremony.”
Jesus said:
“How can you believe, when you receive glory from one another and you do not seek the glory that is from the one and only God?”
(John 5:44)
And John the Baptist said:
“A man can receive nothing unless it has been given him from heaven.” (John 3:27)
Link to “How not to become a celebrity pastor”
Yikes! MacArthur opens up with what we shared 2 weeks ago: The State of Theology concerning what Evangelical Christians believe!
Better have your seat belt on……..
The Most Hated Christian Doctrine
By John MacArthur
(YouTube 58 minutes)