Welcome to Zion Boot Camp 2018
This Year’s Theme: “ARMED AND DANGEROUS”
“For the Word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword,
and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow,
and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12)
Greetings Men:
Please join us this year for the 10th Annual Zion Boot Camp. It will again be held just outside the beautiful Zion National Park at the Hampton Inn & Suites in Springdale, Utah. Registration will begin at 4:00 pm on Friday, November 30th with dinner at 6:00 pm MST. The conference will end on Sunday, December 2nd at approximately noon.
We have TWO goals for the retreat:
- Challenge our thinking from a Biblical perspective
- Become equipped to be an Ambassador for Christ within your sphere of influence
You will hear from men like you the reward of investing our life in the eternal and not the temporal. You will see how God can use you as you pour your life into the lives of those God places in your path and spend your life helping them prepare for their eternity. That is what the weekend is all about.
Our speakers will include: Jerry Bangert, Dermatologist from Tucson; Cody Hartshorn, Orthopedic Surgeon from Granbury, Texas; Hank Miltenberger, Businessman from Covington, Louisiana and Winston Parker, Businessman from Jacksonville, Florida.
Please register for this year’s Boot Camp A.S.A.P. to guarantee your spot. The cost of the retreat is $250.00 per man. This includes, two nights lodging, all meals and all other costs for our weekend. At this specific resort, this is a great package. If finances are a concern, call Dan @ 702.595.6868