Friday Men’s Group 7-5-24

White Fir – Mt. Charleston, NV @ 9000′

Nebuchadnezzar was alarmed by a night vision of a great tree that was reduced to a stump, and he called Daniel to interpret the dream when his diviners could not. Daniel was appalled by the meaning of the vision but faithfully related it to the king, urging him to avert the disaster by turning from his iniquities and showing mercy to the poor. The king was too proud to heed this wise counsel, and the Lord fulfilled the vision by reducing him to an animal-like state for seven years. At the end of this time, the Lord restored Nebuchadnezzar’s reason and reestablished his kingdom, and the now-humbled king gave honor to the Most High God “who does according to His will in the host of heaven and among the inhabitants of earth.” 

Prayer: Lord, I know that You, the Most High, are ruler over the realm of mankind, and that You bestow it on whom You wish. Deliver me from the folly of pride when things appear to go my way, and let me walk in wisdom, fearing Your holy name 

[From Ken Boa – Handbook to Scripture]


Hi Men:
I pray you had an enjoyable Fourth of July. Our guests couldn’t believe the number of significant illegal fireworks all around us. They were still exploding way past midnight. For the horses and pets sake, I’m grateful these neighborhood fireworks only happen on the 4th and New Years 🙂

Let’s stay focused on who we are “in” Christ. As we interact with people, especially our neighbors, do we see them as His creation reflecting on where they will spend ETERNITY?



Last week, I headed out late morning and drove up to Mt. Charleston, less than an hour west of Las Vegas. I parked at one of the trailheads that take you up to the peak (almost 12,000′). It was a weekday, so there were hardly any people hiking. I hiked up the trail for a couple miles and found this secluded area “off trail” (Here’s a video) I spent a couple hours just sitting quietly reflecting on God’s goodness. It was absolutely quiet except for the chirping of birds. I spotted a most unusual trunk on a White Fir tree (I used it in the short thought above). I am praying to head back to this area in the days ahead to go through Section 2 of Making Time for Prayer Today we have so many distractions in our lives, we need to “make time” for the privilege of prayer God has given to us.



Meet Owen (far left) originally from Jamaica (he was grateful he wasn’t there this week) and Rick from Tennessee. They were delivering almost 2 ton of hay on a HOT Wednesday afternoon. After they finished, I gave a copy of the Million Dollar Gospel of John, Steps To Peace With God and Are You a Good Person? They had 2 more deliveries after me, but gave me the time, where I not only shared my testimony, but quoted Romans 6:23 where we have been earning “wages of sin” and the end result is “death.” I then explained the Gospel and I asked if this made sense and Owen said, “I’m hearing you, keep going” and Rick said that TODAY he is 6 mo. clean and sober and in a sober-living home. He said right away that, “Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior!” Praise God! Owen said he didn’t live too far from me and I showed him my email address on the back of Steps To Peace With God….. I said, “Email me Owen.” They were super appreciative for the time we spent and for the tracts. I gave them each a healthy tip, hugged them and told them I loved them. But as they were driving out, I told them to WAIT! I got convicted, ran in the house and got more money. I said, “You guys did a great stacking that hay on this extremely hot afternoon. Here’s a bit more. They were super grateful……… Men, get in the game! Nothing better!!


Have a great weekend and tell someone the Good News. At Bank of America on Monday, I slipped the teller some of the Paris Million Dollar Bills. He said, “So you are the guy handing these out!” I had to laugh…… that’s exactly what I want to be known as……. “THAT GUY!”

Let’s Finish Well Men!
(Gal 2:20)



Men:  Do you see yourselves:

* As a slave to Christ?
* Content with what God has given you?
* Knowing that your security “only” comes from God? 

Significance, Sufficiency, and Security
Day 187 Red Book

The purpose of these devotionals is to help you think Biblically
Solomon said, “As a man thinks, so is he”


“For I consider the sufferings of this present time as unworthy of comparison to the glory that is to be revealed to us” (Romans 8:18)

Men: This is a great article. Please pass it on to a brother……..

Tis But a Scratch

by Brent Parker | July 2, 2024

It is clear that every person suffers through life on this earth.  We live in a fallen world and experience the consequences of our own sins.  God compounds this for His children by promising two things.  One, He disciplines those he loves.  (Hebrews 12:4-11) Two, all who follow Christ will suffer persecution.  (John 15:18-20

READ The Article


Men: A Reality Check for all of us!

Here is a short video you may have missed from 2021 
Watch on YouTube (3:41 minutes)


That You May Believe

Men: When I read the paragraph below in this devotional by John Piper, I thought about all the things I consider important today, will have utter insignificance on THAT DAY!

“One of these days lightning is going to fill the sky from the rising of the sun to its setting, and there is going to appear in the clouds the Son of Man with his mighty angels in flaming fire. And we will see him clearly. And whether from terror or sheer excitement, we will tremble and we will wonder how we ever lived so long with such a domesticated, harmless Christ.”

Listen To Piper or Read his devotional (4 min)  



Men: We must “purpose in our heart” that we will finish well. Check out what Walt Henrichsen said in his Blue Book (Day 174):

You can easily tire of the battle and quit, refusing to finish the race of life strong. This is one of the reasons “the last shall be first and the first last.” (Matt 19:30) Given opportunity to labor long in His vineyard, you weary and quit before finishing time. God calls some to run the hundred-yard dash. If God has called you to run a marathon, don’t quit before the finish line. Don’t mentally disengage from the battle and leave the problems to others.